chronic pain

  1. H

    Why Fibromyalgia Pain Feels Different

    For Amy Mullholand, simple chores like washing the dishes or making breakfast can be incredibly challenging. “On a good day, I can get through the cups and the silverware, then I must sit for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Then I tackle the bowls. Then I sit and rest,” said Mullholand. “On a bad...
  2. mellowminty

    Awful Hand Pain

    i have fibro/chronic pain/chronic fatigue that began in my neck, but recently its been hitting my hands and arms. b/c of my disabilities (the pain and fatigue + double depression and anxiety), i leave the house for little, and also stay home to care for my mother, who has RSD (another type of...
  3. MaggyBunny

    Frustrated with my "supportive/understanding" boyfriend

    First off I should state that I got diagnosed a few months ago with fibromyalgia, since then I've bought so many books… one book in particular "fibromyalgia for friends and loved ones" my parents found it very helpful and answered a lot of questions. My boyfriend (of many years that I live with)...
  4. T

    new member

    Hello, In terrible pain left side only, shooting pain in left arm and leg with weakness. I don't know where else to turn. I'm in the Pittsburgh area if anyone knows a good doctor please chime in. am I allowed to discuss medications?
  5. T

    Dealing with unhelpful doctors

    It seems that with fibromyalgia doctors don’t take it as seriously as diseases with known causes. I had a doctor ask me if I was stressed out and tell me that I’m too young and shouldn’t be having chronic pain. Another doctor saw me for five minutes and told me that a lack of serotonin causes...
  6. E


    Hi all. I'm going to be honest from the get-go: I generally don't like this kind of thing. I'm not ashamed and I'm not a super private person (well to some extent, mostly because I find explaining fibro only illicits pity). But I'm at a loss and I want to get this off of my chest. I'm 32, male...
  7. C

    Newly diagnosed with fibro -- Agoraphobic with PTSD

    The title seems a little silly but I didn't know what to write... haha Hi! I'm 28 years old and was just diagnosed with fibro by my rheumatologist on Monday. The pain has been around for a long time but recently got much more noticeable a few months ago. (As a possible point of reference as...
  8. Y

    Deal with overwhelming thoughts and feelings due to FM

    Hi I'm a PhD student at King's College London doing research in chronic pain. Our team developed an interesting online study testing a therapeutical process (technique) that helps us deal with our undesirable (such as painful) thoughts and feelings which often occur and can be overwhelming for...
  9. SierraTrout

    Feeling encouraged by Bowen therapy and elimination diet

    Hello everyone. I wanted to share two things that seem to be helping me. In the past two weeks I've had two Bowen therapy sessions. I had been wanting to try some sort of hands-on therapy but thought that traditional massage would be too painful. Bowen is not really considered a massage but a...
  10. V

    Fear of being labeled an imposter

    I've been dealing with chronic pain increasingly over the last two years. (I think longer, but I really started noticing it a couple of years ago.) I had my first appointment with a rheumatologist and he said I have fibromyalgia, and he thinks I also have an autoimmune condition. He ordered a...