chronic pain

  1. F

    Gluten and the staff of life

    It’s doubtful that the biblical staff of life exists any longer. In the 1960s and 70s, genetic engineering transformed wheat and other grains into poorly nutritional but more profitable products. Engineered grains have challenged physiology and general health. The culprit appears to be glutens...
  2. B

    Have Fibro/CFS for 5ys and still don't understand it!

    Hi there just joined you all today and glad to be here. I have good days and bad days but at the moment continual bad days. What I don't understand is how can you suddenly feel so bad and then so good(in a way)? I have chronic pain which I am managing to bear most of the time but can't believe...
  3. P

    20, chronic pain - what does it sound like to YOU?

    Hi! Let me be another one of those people coming in here panicking about how they think they have fibromyalgia ;P I am 20 years old. I've had chronic pelvic pain since I was about 16 (chalked up to my polycystic ovarian syndrome, despite the fact that I've had ultrasounds, pelvic exams and even...
  4. E

    The journey begins...not really...

    I say the journey begins, because I am just starting to understand what is possibly causing the the chronic pain and fatigue I have dealt with for the last 5 years. And what a journey it is with no end in sight... and I understand there is no end until the end. That sounded really...
  5. C

    Dr. appointment soon

    I have not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I seem to have several of the symptoms. I was diagnosed with Mono 8 years ago and have had several different and conditions since then. I then developed hypothyroidism. The chronic pain started after that. It began in my hips. A rheumatologist...
  6. K

    Starting to think I was misdiagnosed.... :/

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after 2 horrible car accidents... Personally, I have never felt like this was my actual or full diagnosis... My Dr's have, over the past several months started looking in to Crps aka complex regional pain syndrome which used to be called RSD reflex sympathetic...
  7. H

    Dehydration before bed and morning pain.

    I've found that when I drink a lot of water just before bed, I have significantly reduced pain in the morning. I discovered this because when I went to bed thirsty, I woke up with more severe chronic pain. By countering this an drinking an unusually large amount of water before bed, I have...
  8. T

    Romance novels

    I don't know if anyone has enough energy to read novels, but if you do, I need advice. Would you buy and read a romance novel with a hero who is in a wheelchair because of chronic pain. He is amazing despite the chair. It is set in Mount Clemens, MI in 1897 when people came from all over the...
  9. L

    No you can't see it! but yes it's there!

    quick intro: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia around a year ago. This was a decade in the making. I had been going to a chiropractor as a teenager. I find myself in bed all day, in pain and overwhelmingly fatigued, and I have too busy a life for this. I am finding that I need to vent my...
  10. K

    Almost 10 Years Of Chronic Pain

    I am 28 years old and have had chronic pain for almost 10 years. It started with severe back pain right under the bottom of my right shoulder blade. Doctor after doctor just tell me they don't know what to tell me. I eventually just gave up on them. I've been to MD's, DO's, Chirpractors, Massage...