
  1. J

    Hi from Canada

    Hello all, I just join this forum. I'm kind of at the end of my rope. I have all Fibromyalgia symptoms but have not been diagnose yet. I have a good doctor but he has a tendancy of minimizing everything so I was told by and ER doctor that I should ask him to refer me to a Rheumatologist. I...
  2. K

    Is there any decent fibromyalgia docs in Ednonton Alberta Canada

    Hello everybody i went to a fibromyalgia specialist doctor today,well claims to be his doctor in training said looks like fibromyalgia i said yes symptoms are correct,He comes in looks at a old xray of my neck says you have arthrities quit smoking and lose weight. and left.i cant help you. i can...
  3. M


    Hi everybody: I am new here. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia just a year ago, although I know now that I had it much longer than that. I am waiting to see a rheumatologist, as I have arthritis as well, and my fingers are quite deformed. I live in Canada, so I am on a waiting list to see...
  4. Lana

    Why so long between visits?

    Hi I just have a question, Does anyone know why I have to wait so long between visits with my Rheumatologist, my next appointment is in six months. Maybe its because he is so busy I don't no. Do you have to wait that long between your visits with your Rheumatologist? Maybe things are a bit...
  5. PythonPlay3

    I Can Feel it Starting

    Hi, I live in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Winter time is starting to slowly show itself. I can already fell my arthritis getting sore, stiff and that is starting to stress my body. So then the Fibro starts up. I have struggled for the last two-three days to function at work in the mornings...
  6. M

    Hello from Canada

    Hi there. I am in my mid 40's from western Canada. I was diagnosed 4 years ago, with a significant decline in the last 6 months . I am really struggling on whether to continue working or not. Financially it would be very difficult . And then there is also the " what to do all day" question.
  7. R

    Fibro/CFS and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

    After viewing a half a dozen posts, I came to realize something extremely important. 1) people rely on our un-educated doctors too much 2) people are hoping for miracle drug that cures all 3) no one mentioned food intolerances/sensitivity 4) elimination diet were hardly mentioned 5) if I ever...
  8. A


    Hi everyone! hope to share info and support in this forum. Alice in Canada
  9. Lana

    Canadian Disability

    Hi is anyone living in Canada that can advise me on Disability for Fibromyalgia. I had to quit my job as a PSW. The pain was so bad that I couldnt do it anymore. Now I am having trouble paying bills. Any information would be appreciated.
  10. T

    Looking for advice

    I live in Ontario Canada and was wondering if anyone has applied for and received CPP and what their experience was?