
  1. D

    Stress intolerance

    Anyone else have complete intolerance to stress and anxiety. Since i got fibro i go down with a bang as soon as i get overloaded with pressure or stress....and i used to be a person who coped well with high pressure. Now i do everything to avoid anything outside a simple unpressured life. Of...
  2. E

    fight or flight

    I recently had fibro explained to me in the sense that fibro was fight or flight response in the brain that can't turn makes sense...i think ? has anyone else had it explained to them as this and does this make sense to you?
  3. M

    First time in forum vent

    This is my first time posting in public about my fibromyalgia. I was a teenager in the 90's when diagnosed. The past few years have brought more pain, injury and devastating depression and suicidal thoughts that I ever imagined. I've tried patient rehab, support groups, friends, relatives...
  4. F

    My Story

    I am a senior in college and over the past few years I’ve been discovering answers to some medical issues I was having making school and work more challenging and sometimes what I felt was impossible. First off I get migraines, some put me in the emergency room all day others kept me home from...
  5. I

    is it normal for fibro sufferers to have lots of symptoms?

    or do you notice only a few? i get dizzy and nauseous when walking or trying to exercise, swallowing difficulties, muscle and joint pain, restless arm and leg, headaches, brain fog, sleep issues, sensitive to noise, touch, temperature. and horrible feelings of dread. started duloxetine, hoping...
  6. J

    My Story

    Hi to all, looking for some feedback and any at all would be greatly appreciated. Am a 35 year old male, generally healthy and love sports. My problems generally began about 14 months ago with very painful back spasms. This was accompanied by muscle twitching all over the body, which would...
  7. D

    No sleep

    SO it's nearly 6am UK time and I haven't closed by eyes all night and the pain and fidgets are driving me mad. I'm sooo tired but my brain wont slow down to let me sleep...just taken extra sleeping meds and a dose of pain medication too hoping it will do something. No idea why im writing...
  8. Tipnatee N

    2 foolish guys might have experimented temporary fibro symptoms.

    I was watching the TV show called the outrangeous sciences and it showed these 2 foolish men who posted their videos online. 1 man took a bath full of hot chilli pepers sauces , and the other one plastered his face with the toothe paste. :shock: The explanation about the heat burning and...
  9. Tipnatee N

    What was the worst thing have you ever done to your self in time of desperation?

    Warning : PLEASE DON'T EVER DO IT. Cause I'm ashame to admitting but I have gone through the deep end with so many extremely painful flare up days and so many many sleepless night. But I felt the need to let other people knows about this so no one will fallen to the victim of the Desparation...
  10. D

    NEWBIE to the forum

    I hope that I'm posting this correctly. I've never joined a group like this, but my doctor is the one that said I should find a forum for support. I chose this group because I live in the Dayton area, and my doctor is from here. I thought that might be helpful. Let me introduce myself. I...