
  1. P

    When is it okay to take narcotics?

    I am fighting with this. People say you're in pain for a reason and you are just masking it but with Fibro that pain is a miscommunication with the brain so it is telling you something is wrong with your hip when your hip hurts but there is nothing wrong with it. Mine hurts all the time and...
  2. P

    New to the Forums

    Hello I am Pollen. I was diagnosed late last year with Fibromyalgia although I have been suffering for quite some time. I had to stop working in 2010 and at the time we didn't know what exactly the problem was but now we know! I tried Cymbalta but was very anxious on it and had paranoid...
  3. S

    living with fibro and staring a family

    Hello I'm new to this forum, I've been on a few fibro support groups, and unfortuantly the only discussions or sharing was people taking about medication. Anytime I reached out about other issues, quality of life, trying to see if I'm not along... Nothing. The main reason I've been reaching out...
  4. J

    No Diagnosis,5 years of pain, so depressed

    I am new here. I am sure at some point I will be given the Fibromyalgia diagnosis. I started becoming sick at age 30 when my daughter was around 4. I was a single parent from the beginning and life was great. I had a high paying job, we needed for nothing. She is my life. It kills me now that we...
  5. A


    The past 11 days have been awful. I have trouble falling asleep so I've been taking melatonin pills. I keep waking up at night because I'm uncomfortable and achy and I wake up to feel like I've been beat up or hit by a car. It's extremely difficult to get out of bed and I've been crying every...
  6. M

    Hi All-New to the forum

    Hi All- Many thanks to those who created and now manage this website along with the many folks who contribute their histories, ideas and suggestions. I am a 59 year old male and have had chronic low back pain for many years. An L4-L5 fusion in 2011 successfully treated severe radiculopathy...
  7. R

    New to group with many questions.

    Hi, my name is Dee. I was actually diagnosed some years back but have not really had many issues. No meds or anything. Mid December I was laying in bed going to sleep when two things happened. The ringing I've always had in my ears got three times louder and I started feeling a vibration in my...
  8. C

    I feel really guilty right now

    I have never allowed myself to call in sick from work because of fibro/cfs. No matter how awful I felt, I always dragged myself into the office unless I definitely had a "real" virus (like the puking kind or the kind that showed up on a thermometer). But yesterday I just couldn't do it. I...
  9. G

    Just annoyed.

    Basically trying to get out of my rutt at being mad at the world. The last 2 weeks has been so bad. I started a New Years Resolution to try and change my life. And and seems like I can't even get to one thing. I live in a very small house. The first floor is a small kitchen, dining room and...
  10. Forgetmenot


    so today not only do I have the shakes so bad I look like I need a drink. But I'm brain dead. I had to ring the vets and got in such a mess I had to ring them back.some days I wish I could hid in bed all day. Going to be fun cooking later shaking like this I tell you .