
  1. Getemgirl

    Adrenaline Is a Relief?

    I've been off the forum for the past 4 days because my brother was in a terrible motorcycle accident. Several times this past 4 days I have asked myself how I am still going so strong and why is my pain limited. I stood next to his bed in the emergency room for maybe 2 hours while the plastic...
  2. C

    new member

    Just wanted to say hello.. I found this group from my doctors webpage.. while I was waiting for his nurse to get on the line. I work from home, and am in so much pain sitting for hours , especially at evening shift, that I had applied for the Americans disability... to offset the hours I was...
  3. D


    Has anyone had a long period in bed ( i had a month where i was so unwell i had no choice)then found that pain and stiffness had settled in set places rather than move around daily. I have new severe pain in neck arms shoulders and they are in exactly the same place every day. never eases up...
  4. S

    Help. Just moved here. Need a doctor

    . Diagnosed with FMS 01/1996 and CFS 08/1996. I was 36, in the prime of my career. It was not a gradual onset but sudden, one day fine, got the flu, apparently kicked it all off. I was in bed first two years while mainstream doctors worked to find medications that at least got me moving...
  5. I

    my hobbies life

    i dont open up or like to share about myself! hobbies i love electronics rebuilding fixing computers networking home stereo setup used to fix older tvs wiring house hold things repairing washers dryers all appliances. i can you tube most anything then fix it my adhd is a blessing not a...
  6. Forgetmenot

    Someone rip my legs off

    well I've been to my sons for the night, what I didn't no as he only been there a few months was the spare bed only had a memory foam mattress an inch think. Nothing under it. My son and his girlfriend run a bordering kennels and have a lovely three bed bungalow . So I didn't think about the...
  7. PythonPlay3

    And The Losses Continue

    It isn't enough that we are sick, hurt everyday physically, can't exercise, can't do so many things I used to, now I have split from my husband. 7 years and you would think he would get it. But nope and after a horrible vacation, I came home and packs some items and left. I have posted here...
  8. I

    im going to jail free food and drugs

    im grabbing docs and random street people and just beating them till im to tired lets see chiropractor number 300 or more recliners are bad to sleep in well then fix my back i dont know whats wrong ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 30 mri 15 cats lost count of exrays lost count of chiros im ready to do a...
  9. J

    Hello from Ottawa, CA

    This is my first post. After years of suffering I finally got the F/CF IBF diagnosis this past January. This disease is life changing to say the very least. I had no idea that it could make me as sick as I have been. Then there was the challenge of convincing people and doctors I was really...
  10. C

    So sick of being in pain! :(

    So for the last couple weeks the pain has been in my legs. Aching..annoying....dull pain. I spent this weekend driving four hours to a family thing. Then four hours back the next day. It was very windy on the way back. So it was a struggle to keep my van on the road. Today my right arm hurts so...