
  1. S


    Apparently this is where I post first, to say hello. Sorry for the long post. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few weeks ago, but have no doubt that I have had it for years, as I have had chronic pain and other symptoms for a long time. The GP was finally willing to send me to some...
  2. M

    NUCCA Chiropractor Results Visit 1

    :idea: Think about going to a NUCCA chiropractor (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association). Bottom line: if your spine and body is misaligned, your brain, nerves, and blood circulation are not optimal. Pain is a common result. I've been a FM patient since 1998. Needless to say, I've had...
  3. N

    Hi everyone- new here and saying hello

    I am a 42 year old who started having a bunch of symptoms last year. I started having bad and frequent headaches, pain in back, shoulders, hips The pain moves around. Also, I had some episodes of bed wetting at night- this was so humiliating to me.... my primary Doctor suspects that I have...
  4. H

    Need suggestions

    I'm at a stuck point with doctors for the moment. My neurologist that diagnosed the fibro doesn't actually treat it and my primary doctor refused to do anything for me, including focusing me a referral to a rheumatologist as well as just being rude. I managed to leave his office without going to...
  5. H

    Tired of being treated like an addict

    So today I had to go in person to get my prescriptions from my doctor an hour away. So after I had the medical assistant call me to let me know they were written so I could come get them, I get there and I have to have ID? She didn't think to tell me that when I had her call? Apparently it's a...
  6. P

    Doc...Give my pain a purpose

    I just wanted to let this out: My doctor needs to go back to school. What's up with all of these Old School, old mindset and proud doctors who wont listen to us. Trust me, I have better things to do with my time than lay around the house in excruciating pain, forgetting my thoughts before they...
  7. D

    Maybe or maybe not

    Hi, I am 23 year old male and I started having severe twitches 4 weeks ago. I use to wake up with stiff legs every morning since 2014 but it used to go away when I start walking around or sit. Slowly it progressed to having pain all the time. Some days I feel I have absolutely no issues in my...
  8. Forgetmenot

    Old age

    Does anyone think this is what we have,old body's that aren't old.i worked with old ppl for a long time.and we seem to hurt and get stiff just the way they do, Is it possible that our body's think we're older then we are, I bet I sound nuts huh.i didn't take my pills on time tonight,I can...
  9. R

    New User - Frustrated, Trying to Get Diagnosed

    I have chronic pain in most of my joints (but very severe in my neck & lower back) and in the soft tissues or muscles near my joints (both forearms & shoulders, both calves & achilles heals). My first symptom, almost 2 years ago when I was 57, was mainly fatigue. I couldn't understand why I...
  10. N

    Wheelchair use

    Hello, I'm 15 and after a lot of arguments with doctors and hospitals I finally got a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I'm having a real problem walking distances such as shopping due to the severe pain in my legs. My doctor suggested that I might need a wheelchair to help me have that bit of...