
  1. M

    Roller coaster symptoms.

    Hi , I'm just so tired of the never knowing what I'm going to wake up feeling like. June and July are hard months ? Sick of waking up knowing it's going to be a lot of work! Even after taking my medication I'm still not able to think straight for at least 2 hours. Then it gets okay for...
  2. P

    Hi I am a new member and my story

    Hi, new here, I also deal with some anger that our life is not the same. I am on disability as the stress of working was too painful ended up bringing me postraumatic stress, trauma that I would relive concerning sexual aggressions from others and from my own father. My father's betrayal is the...
  3. K

    Any new Pain treatments out there?

    Hi everyone, Sorry for the longish post, but sometimes it's needed, right? I've been taking narcotic pain meds since early 2001. They've been the only thing that controls pain. Over the years I've tried numerous alternatives, but nothing has been effective. Acupuncture was a joke, I...
  4. M


    well went to the dentist, had 2 filling done and now my whole body hurts.....yeah! Im sapose to take hubbie back tomorrow, its a 2 hr drive, and hes a back seat driver.
  5. vickythecat

    disability, benefits and feeling guilty

    Hi, I am not entitled to disability or any benefits in the country I currently live in, as fibromyalgia, CFS, nerve damage or my lifelong mental health issues (BPD, major depression, social anxiety, PTSD) are not considered 'enough' to be entitled. Sad, really really sad. I am very lucky that I...
  6. I

    Need some advice

    I am a bit lost and feel totally lazy and guilty right now. I would like some advice if possible. I am a male in my mid 30s and i have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 9 years ago, and addison disease about 7 years ago. I did well for the first 3 years with addison. I was working full...
  7. Tipnatee N

    Feeling twice older than my age

    Why does fibromyalgia make me feel so old? I mean not just in the physical sense but more like mentally sense. I want to stay young since I'm pushing 40, but I can't get excited with anything politics anymore , I feels tired and annoyed watching people go on and about every thing so negatively...
  8. Tipnatee N

    Hypohidrosis ( absent sweating) in fibromyalgia

    One of my symptom in fibro is hypohidrosis , I really can't sweat at all normally. The only time I sweat is during my night sweat caused by sleep anxiety and sleep disturbance. Or just a feeling of sweating because my hair pores are being force opening to release heat on top of my head while...
  9. VanGogh

    Self medicate

    I have and still do experiment with medications, food ( add or subtract ) rubs, tubs, massage and other hands on modalities, and other things. One of my PCP doctors loves what I do and report back to him, the other HATES my experimentation and often reads me the riot act. The later doctor also...
  10. VanGogh

    Does anyone remember how it used to be?

    I've asked a number of people including doctors if the remember how it used to be when ER's were only used for serious emergencies? Much to my surprise very few people recalled anything being different than it is now which is to say: if you can see your doctor or get an appointment with A...