
  1. M

    thoughts ?

    Hi all, So glad to have support. I have been reading and I am thankful for this forum. I've been feeling crappy for roughly two years. It first came in the form of major digestion issues - I'd burp all the time and got no relief... just burp, burp, burp. I had seen many docs with regard to...
  2. B

    Neck and shoulder pain

    Hi I am new to this forum and newly diagnosed. My worst symptoms are neck and shoulder pain. It gets so bad sometimes that I can't move my neck or lay on the side that hurts the most with my shoulders. I just started taking Cymbalta and it is helping. Is there something that any of you do...
  3. G

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica is a parasite discovered by hemotologist, Dr Steven Fry. He believes the organism may cause numerous neurological diseases, including ALS. The following is Part I of the transcript of a recent interview with Steven Fry, MD. Please do not expect your physician or other...
  4. G

    A Miraculous Misdiagnosis!

    Initially I was despondent upon being diagnosed with an inexplicable genetic variant of juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Being only 18 I assumed there was little if anything to remain living for. This all persisted until I stumbled upon an article regarding chemical neurotoxins and a...
  5. G

    Dear Friends

    Dear Friends If you or a loved one has struggled with one of the following disorders: Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, candida yeast infections or Systemic Candidiasis, Infertility, an environmental disease such as chemical or heavy metal...