
  1. M

    Is it Mental?

    Something I noticed, I seam to have cfs, often more so when I'm around stress. /ANGRY PEOPLE. IS THIS POSABLE?
  2. P

    It's All In My Head

    My Dr refuses to do anything. She says the pain I am in is a result of my depression and anxiety and that the pain should go away once the depression and anxiety are under control. She refuses to accept the fact that my depression and anxiety are worse because of the pain, and are not actually...
  3. M

    New to it all....

    Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about a year ago. I was mad at the diagnoses. I believed for years it was a fake disease. When my rheumatologist said that I had Fibromyalgia I was in complete denial and angry. Now dealing with the reality of the diagnoses and symptoms I am at a...
  4. M

    New Member

    Hi All, I'm 28 and was diagnosed with fibro at 17. I have what my doctors describe as one of the most severe cases they've ever seen. Fatigue is also a huge part of my daily life. My degree is in teaching but I have been able to build my own job and run my own tutoring business, so I still get...
  5. I

    hi my life

    Bad start or post sorry butt o well I'm tired of the Internet forums and all that Why come then I have no life or net friends my wife works 8 hours and I'm bored And I want to vent talk help be heard all I get is lies safe place no judgment trust us all that Lying BS Sorry for the...
  6. L

    Need Support - Invalidating Doctor.

    First of all, sorry for the length of this. So I had an appointment for my fibromyalgia. I've been told I have it but was getting some more tests ran. I've never seen this doctor before. She was nice at first (and remained 'nice' throughout the appointment). I say 'nice' because some of the...
  7. M

    Brain Fog and frustration.

    I'll keep this blunt. I would really like to see more utube related down to earth Patient's. The real world testimonies are most helpfull. For anyone else out there who (likes). U tube, is it just me, or does anyone else get angry when only at the end of discussions "there's something to sell"...
  8. L

    New Member

    Hello and thanks for having me. I have FMS and CFS. I was diagnosed not very long ago. I have been reading that abuse (which I have endured from infancy until 21 - all forms: sexual abuse/multiple r*pes, severe psychological/verbal/emotional abuse, and severe physical abuse) can be a cause of...
  9. C

    New here...Hello :)

    :?: Sooo..I've been dealing with pain for over four years. It started with my pregnancy with my son. I complained about my arms aching and that it hurt when someone simply touched me. A brush against my arm felt like someone punched me with all their might. My OB Doctor kept telling me it was...
  10. J

    hi new here, been diagnosed since 2009

    Hi, so I thought id give this forum a try, Im a 35 yo guy, I have been dianosed with fibro since 2009 after being victim of violent street attack, with all the nastys that come along for the ride, chronic fatuige, cognative disfunction, ibs, restless leg syndrome to name a few, you know how it...