
  1. T

    Looking for advice

    I live in Ontario Canada and was wondering if anyone has applied for and received CPP and what their experience was?
  2. I

    so confused help please

    my problems started really showing up about 5 years ago. I felt as though I had the flu I ached and ran low fever. so I go to the doctor he checks me for lyme desease but it was negative he said he thought I was showing signs of Fibro. he is just a PCP but he gave me meds to try to help which...
  3. C

    Hi from Simcoe County Ontario

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 4 or 5 years ago. I find it really difficult to determine what information and practices are valid and effective. This includes information, advice and prescriptions from medical practitioners. I do have severe degenerative disc disease in my neck, which...
  4. N

    Does it ever get better?

    So I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in March (2014) and started taking 60mg off cymbalta (30 twice a day) and have relief from the pain and most of the fatigue. Except, here is the problem... Before the pain and fatigue started I was working 50-60 hours a week in a high stress environment, I...
  5. D


    My sister-in-law told me to add turmeric/curcumin to my daily diet to help alleviate pain and swelling. She also said to add a pinch of black pepper when I use turmeric because the pepper magnifies the turmeric's effects. I absolutely do not want to be on medications. I've utilized her advice...
  6. A


    I really need help from anyone who has ever breast-fed. I am breastfeeding and have fibro/myofascial pain- it is Particularly and in my shoulder/neck/arm. I only feed lying on my side as that supposed to be the least "stressful" position. However I've just been having the worst pain all over but...
  7. J

    Just Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this group, I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia yesterday. I guess I kind of got lucky that it didn't take too long to diagnose because I'd already had a ton of blood tests, scans and specialist visits for fatigue and GI problems that started a year ago (which ended...
  8. D

    Natural/OTC Pain Management Tips?

    My husband has a rod in his leg from a really bad car accident when he was a lot younger. It puts him in an immense amount of pain. Doesn't have much to do with Fibromyalgia. But, my friend who has that condition has always given me pain management advice. Him going to the doctor right now is...
  9. F

    Gluten and the staff of life

    It’s doubtful that the biblical staff of life exists any longer. In the 1960s and 70s, genetic engineering transformed wheat and other grains into poorly nutritional but more profitable products. Engineered grains have challenged physiology and general health. The culprit appears to be glutens...
  10. A

    Can FM change the form of a panic attack?

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on this forum. I should say that I haven't actually been diagnosed yet with FM but I will be seeing a specialist in May who specializes in it. My symptoms fit fibromyalgia 100% and so far my blood word agrees with this diagnosis. I have a question for you all...