
  1. K

    HELLO everyone

    Hi All, My Name is Kiki and I am newly diagnosed with Fibro, so all advice is really welcome. Thank you x
  2. Forgetmenot


    This isn't about Fibro, but as I see most of you as friends I'm going to ask this My 3 year old is being referred to hospital.its all started 6 weeks ago.she had tonsillitis .she was shaking and her lips went blue. I though of dear she cold and wrapped her up.spin forward two weeks she was...
  3. B

    Help! Waking up with a horrible headache and neck pain

    Hello everyone. Am I the only one waking up every morning with an extreme headache accompanied by tender neck pain? The vertebrate right where my neck meets my shoulders hurts so bad on each side. I wake up and I can already feel the pinch in my muscle around that vertabrate which gives me an...
  4. V

    Absolutely furious!

    Hi all, I have just come back from the rheumatologist. My doctor referred me to one so he could diagnose me with fibromyalgia. My doctor thinks I have it. I have every single symptom apart from IBS. I was only in the room with him for 7 mins. I wrote all my symptoms down but he didn't...
  5. P

    Fibro &Relationships

    I am 25. I was diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago. How do you all deal with the strain it puts on your relationships? Sexually, emotionally, physically? My significant other has been my rock through this nightmare, but I fear he is getting tired of being my caregiver more than my spouse...
  6. S

    Dealing with Seattle Weather & Surgeries

    Hi! I'm SickieInSeattle. Basically, I feel horrible. I'm not only feeling horrible because I HAVE fibro, but feeling lousy because it causes so many problems in my life. My son, with autism, is about to graduate from HS and I'm not there for him like I used to be. I have a...
  7. V

    Pain Management Tools for Music Practice

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain. though diagnosed recently I've suffered from this pain most of my life and I was on a waiting list for assessments to be diagnosed for many years as well. During that time I've had many...
  8. S

    I need advice and guidance

    I joined this forum and group because I feel like I'm starting to graduate from the denial stage of what I'm starting to acknowledge as my long term life affecting issue. The pain started about 2 years ago. I was in an interesting and challenging phase of my life and had a bad habit of self...
  9. M

    New Here - Morika

    Hi everyone, My name is Morika and I am new here to this forum. It is Monday, Nov 30th and I have not been on any FM forums in over 15 years. I was diagnosed with FM in 1987. I am 53. I am having a most horrible day. One that actually made me reach out here in lieu of my normal habit of...
  10. S

    UV Therapy for pain

    Has anyone ever tried going to tanning bed to help with pain? My physician sent me for a couple of visits per week. My husband was not happy with the risk of me getting skin cancer, it helped my pain alot, i am also a distance runner and have zero energy right now, i also have pain like...