about me

  1. J

    About me!

    Hello! I am Jess, I am 24. I have even married to my amazing husband for 7 years we have 2 beautiful children a 5 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I have been in pain for a long time, since I was about 10 everything has always hurt. I hav been diagnosed with POTS (postural orthistatic...
  2. R

    newbie feeling sorry for myself

    Hi. I'm Rochelle. Just joined this forum as in the middle of a particularly bad flare up and feel the need to reach out to others like me. I have been diagnosed for 12 years now and really hate this crippling condition that has taken so much of my life already. I have had to change jobs because...
  3. P

    Loss of support from family and friends

    [INDENT]Hello ... I'm PhillyFibro, and have had FMS for nearly 30 years. It was like a bad nightmare for 7 years before I was diagnosed in 1994. OK, so I wasn't a nut job, there's a real illness here. I believed knowing what was happening would be a giant help. But it took years to find...
  4. D

    Pain / sensitivity in underarm and side of breast

    Hello all, A bit about me: 24 years old, female, Australia, no known medical problems. I recently started feeling discomfort in the area of my left armpit / side of breast. It is a dull, radiating kind of pain. I would have attributed it to some kind of muscle or nerve pain, but when I barely...
  5. F


    Howdy everyone! I'm obviously new and also newly diagnosed cfs/fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed 3 days ago. So far I'm only on tramadol but only till my next appointment. I don't react well to a lot of medications so I know it's going to be difficult finding the right combination of meds. I try my...
  6. S

    New and trying support.

    Hello, I'm obviously new here and a little lost but not as lost as I was. I've been dealing with intense chronic pain since July last year. I've been through x-rays, CTs and MRIs over my back and head to rule out disc problems, fractures, tumors, and MS. I've had a nerve and muscle study done...
  7. Ichiban71

    Newly diagnosed (hello and some background about me)

    Hello from New Hampshire. Just got diagnosed a couple of days ago. I've been a migraine sufferer since I was a teen, but the headaches have changed since I've gotten older and stopped having babies, I'd say about 6 years ago. I've gotten a couple of MRIs done due to the headaches and other added...
  8. A

    New.... and unable to sleep lol

    Hello all I am Jacquelyn Biggs or angelgirl2345 on most if not all sites xD you can call me Jacquelyn or angel, either works. I do not mind my name used on sites. I am 25 and live in the town of Paris, Arkansas. I have been suffering with fibromyalgia like symptoms for over 5 years now. I have...
  9. PJsleepy

    Yet another newbie here...

    Hi, I'm 43 and from the UK... I am married with five little dogs... I have many hobbies, sadly a cold winter has stopped me creating in my art room for some months now, I am guessing you all understand why! HA I was diagnosed with FMS and ME in 1997 and had been ill for years befor that, mine...
  10. P

    New to the Forums

    Hello I am Pollen. I was diagnosed late last year with Fibromyalgia although I have been suffering for quite some time. I had to stop working in 2010 and at the time we didn't know what exactly the problem was but now we know! I tried Cymbalta but was very anxious on it and had paranoid...