Memes: A Touch of Humor for Us Fibromites

Badger I love love love this!!

Me,today I am a mix of 5 ( exhausted ) and a 2, in a bit of a 'don't mess with me mood ' and throw in an 8.because it's kind of like looking at myself in a mirror right now!
Tomorrow I aim to get to a 6 but I feel I am aiming too high... 😻😻😻
Oh the challenges 🤦‍♀️ wouldnt it be nice to have the choice/option "to take a day off" from being crook!!!!!

I might have to move to the complain, moan and vent thread🤦‍♀️ i am so f###ing over being crook(more how crook i am and have been for since September). I've accepted that i have these conditions and work with the hand ive been dealt, but im human and just like anyone else i have a limit too as to how much i can take or deal with
We definitely hit that point at times and need to vent. It gets maddening to live with and can be difficult not to snap. Better to vent with amongst friends here and maybe listen to some heavy music.
Hi @hope23
Not much help I know, but I'm sorry you are having such a bad time right now. Just want you to know you aren't alone and people are listening and can understand. I'm no Angel either. I try to remain positive but sometime it's hard, when you feel you keep getting kicked down from even more crap, to reach in and feel somehow you need to find even more strength from somewhere and are actually pretty sick of fighting all the time. But we do it. Wish I could send a hug.
Its extremely frustrating, i got the ankylosing spondilitis diagnosis and started on immune suppressant and they worked amazing, my pain levels and fatigue were the lowest theyve been since i first got crook. I had to stop them to have my ankle operated on and when i restarted them they didnt and wont work. Ive started a different one which flared things up horrendously, i was warned this was a potential side effect in the first four to five weeks. But was alot worse than i was prepared for to say the least. Add to it the dislocations from ehlers danlos and its just been a sh#t fest. Dislocated a rib for the first time which was less than fun!! You cant do anything to put it back other than wait for it to happen on its own 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ joining this forum has been a godsend as a place to talk with people who truly get it, have lived it
It sounds like you have had a awful time of it, ankylosing spondilitis is cruelly painful. Muscle strain over the ribs makes just taking a breath painful, a dislocation sounds horribly uncomfortable. It's shame the immune suppressant was interrupted after giving some relief. My heart goes out to you.
Its really not been great, the ankylosing spondilitis is definitely savage and inescapable, even the fringe symptoms are awful, swelling and inflammation in the feet and hands(the feet swelling, you push on it and your finger indent stays for like an hour 🤦‍♀️) and the feet first thing in the morning, a bit like trying to walk with all the bones in your feet broken and grinding against each other. @Badger you nailed the feeling of a dislocated rib perfectly, every breath feels like a knife in the lung radiating through your ribcage. And there is nothing you can do about it but wait and try to not move and breath as shallowly as you can but still get enough oxygen, THANK GOD thats only happened once at this point.
My ankle needed the operation badly, there was bone shards in the joint as well as a stupid amount of scar tissue which they cleared out. But honestly im trying to not regret getting the operation. Hind sight unfortunately is always 20:20
I've enjoyed the humorous memes, it's difficult to see the bright side when chronic illness blights your life and some of us may not laugh often, so it's touching to see memes from fellow sufferers that make me giggle. There's sadness behind the story so a little humour might help to let off steam and not feel so alone.

Visualization is also interesting, it can be difficult to describe to non sufferers.
this is from Aug 1, 2022. I have actually taken a pic of some to send to others, as it explains so much better than my words. It's also "external", not from me, but 'out there', which validates it

@Badger @Auriel @JayCS and all the others on here