Gone potty? Plants gardens and lawns .

Wow, no question why it's called that! So that's a giantific flower that is growing in a tree.
Also the underside of the leaves if full of spores, I am going to learn how to grow them.
The opposite now, most unspectacular:
I've started tackling my poor li'l baby one (flower that originally grows in trees), the Christmas cactus. Maybe it wishes it were on a tree. So from now on it's getting only rain water on its roots and sprayed a little, only once a week as soon as the surface is dry, some coffee grounds every 2-3 weeks, until August, then fasting till the blossoms come. Lemme see if I can coax out more than 6 blossoms this year.... Everyone else gets 100s.
🤞 hope your Christmas cactus thrives for you , be waiting to find out how many flowers it produces.
I will take a photo of one of mine tomorrow, it’s full of buds.
And a money tree is one of my other big challenges, my wife overwatered one last year, after she thought it had got too dry, and it fell to bits inside of a week. So now I've been keeping a few leaves of it alive over the winter, but dry, and have now started to keep them damp, and they're slowly getting tiny new leaves, hope I'm doing this right...
Sounds like you are doing it all ok. I had a large one in a pot and after the flood waters went it had died and never got another.

I got a fair bit carried away today. When we got four very large pine trees cut down they got put through a shredder and now I have 3 mountains of mulch/wood chip. So hooked up mower trailer on mower and got all this done.
Below I got my peach, fig and lemon tree mulched.


Below is a large garden bed
This section of mulch below tidied up under on of my pot areas and my daughter is getting me some bush rock to edge it.
Harpy, what's the name of the lovely yellows with the red colour in them (they look a bit like stargazer lilles, but not ones I've seen before) lovely though!, animal pics and flower/garden pics are the best!!! 🐹🐨🌷🌼🪻
Harpy, what's the name of the lovely yellows with the red colour in them (they look a bit like stargazer lilles, but not ones I've seen before) lovely though!,
The flowers are JayCs , we’re in the last couple of weeks in autumn and nothings in flower.
But I wish they were my flowers , there so pretty.
animal pics and flower/garden pics are the best!!! 🐹🐨🌷🌼🪻
Yes I agree, 🌲 🌳 💐 🌸 🦘 🐶 🐦
Aw, I thought the yellow's were your's and the pinks were jaycs? 😄 oh I haven't been reading the posts right ( i had I hour sleep last night and a hospital appointment today,) odd day for a hospital appointment, but that's what they offered me ??? 🤗🪅🤗
Jay! what's them pretty yellow ones with the pinky red in them (I'm liking them) oh and the cerise ones, ooh,
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Jay! what's them pretty yellow ones with the pinky red in them (I'm liking them) oh and the cerise ones, ooh,
I think you mean this post first? (when you don't quote I get confused myself! 😄)
Well, I said there they're forms of "genista". But I guess the normal English name is Scotch broom for all three. And the yellow with red splots right and left bottom (pic #6) is Scotch broom Firefly, I just researched.
If you mean those "pink" ones, like pic #10 on that thread, is Scotch broom Burkwood. I'm pretty sure, at least, altho when you look that up, they all look different. Actually what looks like just a sort of pink is 3 colours: pink, yellow and red, when you look close up. I realized my photos up to now don't show the yellow in them, so I took one yesterday, coming up, wait for it - then try to decide which is prettier... (If you look closely at pic #10 you may be able to imagine the nuances I mean.) You have to look at the Firefly close up too, that's I spose why they're called that.

What you mean with cerise, where you said #2 and #3, was I think in the rhododendron post.
Research on the rhododendron types hasn't got me far, none of the ones I find fit any of mine. Yesterday I was surprised to find I now have 4 sorts, there are now 3 sorts of pink - and the white one buds pink too, so sort of 4 sorts of pink. I don't know how it's possible that the 4th sort has eluded me and even my 'camera', cos I can't find it on any of the photos of the past days. But I can't imagine about 40 blossoms (all with at 5-7 flowers each) having appeared inside of one day...??? A secret.... 🕵️‍♂️ (Maybe inside of 2-3 days and I got confused, esp. cos cos of finding the 3rd sort). I think on photo #4 in above post there are the pink ones to the right, white to the left, but I think there's one dark pink one budding amidst the white on the left? That's the only clue. And would mean that they have indeed exploded quickly. Ah, found a better one, taken on Thursday... 8+ pink buds and one pink flower at the front and one at the very back, amidst the white flowers.... that's it, they've really appeared before my eyes inside of only a few days.

Looking for rhododendron sorts I came across the RHS (royal horticultural society) and thought I'd join the website. Turns out they have an online tool for identifying! 🎉 🥳 Just what I was looking for. I know there's a German app, but my phone is too old for apps. To get the (beta) tool to work better, I need to find / take clear close ups, identified my Christmas cactus as "crab" cactus, which is OK, even if the name is less pretty. But they also have other tools I was thinking of - a calendar when to do what. My notes are a getting cumbersome, a tool like that will help me cut thru the masses...


  • 2023-05-18 10.01.15 Rhodendren weiß+pink unter Kirsche von Skulptur.jpg
    2023-05-18 10.01.15 Rhodendren weiß+pink unter Kirsche von Skulptur.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 59
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Well now I am upset 😠.
So windy today and H comes in and asks what’s in the pot on the stump? I said my zygo cactus, why? He said the wind blew it off. ARGGGGG
This is what it looks like now, in a few pots now 😖 and had so many flowers.

Yes jay the Rhododendrons! (I like those) oh yes my sticking my face in goes to the banana bunch (though it could go to the flowers too, I could do both?) Ok ill involve more quoting in the future yes sir, yes sir, yes sir. yes sir 😉 😄
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more quoting the future yes sir, yes sir, yes sir. yes sir 😉 😄
Yeah, and the future never comes, I see, cos then it's no longer the future - that kind of cheeky subversive disobedience is very much to my liking... 😁

I've just realized that we call the yellow-red flower in German wrong, it doesn't belong to genista like I first thought. Best I/we stick to broom/Scotch broom, German "broom genista" is misleading, cos it's a "cousin", not same "family". That RHS-identifying tool is brilliant, I'm managing to identify 80%, even if I often don't have a flower pic yet and my photos often aren't best quality.... 25 flowers identified up to now, after going thru the garden and just taking a pic of blossoms and leaves.