Memes: A Touch of Humor for Us Fibromites



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Humor is always a good medicine.
Just a little reminder to anyone who is new to the forum-------attachments with a picture such as what sweetkamie posted above are fine, but outside links are not allowed on the forum. So if there's something really funny on YouTube, for instance, and you want to share it with everyone here, you will need to refer to it without posting a link to it or your post won't appear.
Having said that, meme away. :)
Thanks, 🤩 for starting and for these pix, sweetkamie!
I've got 100s waiting, so I'll be adding soon...

I can relate to the middle one best:
Especially the posture, the situation described. Except I am never afraid "to admit" - why should I?! Since I am "always" active in my own way, e.g. typing: when my wife comes home and sees me in that position (usually still active with headphones on listening to music) - she knows this is the bottom drawer or under the cupboard.
I spose though I actually have the situation not knowing how dead or alive my pain is making me feel even more often. Thing is I actually do successfully use the 'makes you feel alive' for coping with pain and anxiety. If find it often dissolves if I focus on it in a certain way.
A hangover might help some people relate to what we experience. Our flares are a similarity to there being a "nice" activity as a trigger. Difference is ours is worse and much longer....
I've got 100s waiting, so I'll be adding soon...
Can't wait 🤩
I can relate to the middle one best:
Especially the posture, the situation described. Except I am never afraid "to admit" - why should I?! Since I am "always" active in my own way, e.g. typing: when my wife comes home and sees me in that position (usually still active with headphones on listening to music) - she knows this is the bottom drawer or under the cupboard.
You shouldn't feel bad. But I do lol
A hangover might help some people relate to what we experience.
Yeah, and all the other metaphors lol
Our flares are a similarity to there being a "nice" activity as a trigger. Difference is ours is worse and much longer....
Hadn't thought about it that way! Hmmm gonna make a new version of that meme 😏
erl pix 10 have you tried googling it5 2022-02-26.jpg


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