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  • GOOD SUNDAY MORNING! Refreshed in knowing there's someone out there who understands fibromialga. I would like to know if anyone else has had this symptom., sudden pain in the back of neck followed by dizziness , then a burning feeling on palm of hands accompanied with hands turning tomato red, along with White's of eyes bloodshot. Scarry, this symptom happened way before my diagnoses for fibromialga, at that time period I thought it was bp. Recently I've been dealing with severe muscle jerking, that's embarresing, also studdering, what the heck? I rarely want to go anywhere for fear I'll sound weird, I avoid gathering where I use to feel fine. This is the first time I've been able to post with out tapping my notepad without control and loosing my page. Hope this helps some one. Oh and I fear I've had fibro for over 15 yrs, and am experiencing the tail end of this
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