Recent content by Eyesup

  1. E


    Welcome Koolboys, I see you are in health care working with FMS and chronic pain. so are you here because you also have FMS/CFS or taking time to learn more about what sufferers go thru or perhaps giving helpful advise? I for one would be grateful for any new effective treatments or management...
  2. E

    Anyone else

    Oh good gosh Moe! I will read up on this but it sounds dreadful.
  3. E

    Anyone else on the reddit r/Fibromyalgia?

    Isweed, I appreciate you for the time and effort you put into the forum. I think your right I should have reported what I was seeing. I had not been in the forum for a while so when I did get on I did not recognize some of the posters that I felt were bickering back and forth. I guess I...
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    Pregnancy & Fibro - experiences, advice?

    I can not drink coffee at all anymore. With the exception of herbal teas I seem to respond negatively to all brown drinks with or without caffeine. I was tested years ago for food intolerances (Ige Elisa test) and discovered I was consuming things everyday that my body couldn't process. Onion...
  5. E

    Have you tried Cryotherapy or Whole Body Infrared Light Therapy?

    I'm not sure why the hostility. I go to a chiropractor regularly because it does help me. I buy supplements that I found to help manage my fibro. Sadly most treatments for any chronic illness does cost money. I don't thin this person is trying to troll us or trying to sell us anything just...
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    Pregnancy & Fibro - experiences, advice?

    Congratulations! You didn't say what your doing or taking now so I'm not sure what to advise you to do. Your doctor that diagnosed you should have some tips but run everything past your obgyn. Every pregnancy is different just as every fibro sufferer responds to different treatments. I have...
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    Anyone else on the reddit r/Fibromyalgia?

    I know for me, when I'm not in a bad flair I would cram in everything I could not do when in to much pain. Then the last few times I got on here there seemed to be to much drama and not enough supporting each other. People do come and go, hopefully because they have either found good treatment...
  8. E

    Anyone else

    Hi moe, I haven't ever felt that but it might be nerves causing that movement or may just the feeling of movement. Hopefully someone else has a better explanation then mine.
  9. E

    Morning stiffness remedy’s?

    I agree with above tips but would like to throw in that I turn my heating pad on b4 I even open my eyes. Omega 3 might also help.
  10. E

    Video: Basic Yoga Moves for Fibromyalgia

    Um, I'm not sure yet how to hit the thank you reply so I'll just say thank you! I've been afraid to try taking a class and this gives good instruction on a try at home.
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    Newly-diagnosed & trying to adjust...

    Welcome Corgi, like vickicat I don't really know the answer either. I would be homeless and starving if not for my husband! It took. So long to get a diagnosis I don't qualify for disability. I'm sorry I don't have any good answer for that. The good news is you now you know what's wrong...
  12. E


    It's ok to feel angry at all of this. i think its all part of the grieving process. You will adjust in your own time and learn what helps you to let the anger go. Really anger only hurts us but I think we are better off if we allow ourselves to feel anger so we can face what's made us angry...
  13. E

    scared of my future with fibro!

    sabrina and queerimo, you are both to young to give up your dreams. You might not be capable at this time but that doesn't mean tomorrow can't bring change, this disease is just gaining acceptance and I read that the number of people affected by it had more then tripled in the past 6 years...
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    Calling out of work

    Queerimo, so sorry your dealing with this. No doubt it makes your fibro worse. There are laws against work place harassment. You have a disability and they are supposed to accommodate this not make it worse by basically calling you a lazy lire! You may want to read up on the laws in your...
  15. E

    19 with fibro and cfs...

    I really can't add to much of what everyone else have expressed other then to tell you I'm in admiration of your ambition and effort. Your friends and colleagues do not understand just how much it takes to function with fibro but I think almost everyone here does and we all respect and admire...
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