Has anyone else have issues with hearing things at certain times? I thought I heard a radio commercial in the car the other day and no one else heard it. Then I think I hear what I thought someone says and they say they didn't say that. I just need to know if that is part of the brain not...
i'm not considered over weight by doctors. But I made a pack with myself when I was very young not to get like my mom. needless to say the packed worked. on the bad side now it is always on my mind and turning 52 today I am fretting the weight especially with not being able to exercise like I...
i think the most distressing thing is I have kept my weight and body at a certain size and now i feel myself gaining weight and losing muscle. not a good feeling. Both of you have offered good advise and I here you. I think I just have not given into the disease and what it is doing to me...
How do you exercise to keep off weight and gain muscle with this disease? getting a little depressed with the flare ups and not being able to do daily routine plus wanting to exercise.
Does anyone else deal with tight shoulders to the point that it hurts to run wash rag over them in th shower? it happens after a few regular days then I have about two days i bed.
Also was going to ask for to to do muscle biopsy not sure if it is worth it. any response would be helpful.
I'm glad to hear that you are doing well mentally and realize that you are better then what people tell you. as far as reversal of the damage -some damage will never go away how ever I am on medication that has helped to a degree that has given some of my life back. If that is all I get then I...
so I've been thinking since my fibromyalgia diagnosis 14 years ago we had adopted a three sibling group been up and down for the last 14 years been very stressed. Had one breakdown. I'm wondering if maybe I just can't take on anymore stress and my body is just reacting to the stress in this...
thank you for responding. I did some research with this. I do not feel I have this only because I do not worry about the symptoms. I have tracked symptoms for the last two years. It started every third month and lasted for a month and then I'd be great for two months not even thinking about...