Recent content by Altered life

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    Problem or being over dramatic?

    I'm sure the fact that you have kept so active has helped a lot. I also was very active & I credit that as the reason I've been able to handle this level of pain for so long. Have to say, it's been a real challenge to give up my independence. The list of symptoms you wrote out are the same...
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    Feeling fed up

    Yes, I get sinus pain. I describe it as a 'pain in the bones of my sinuses'. No, they find nothing on tests. It's hard to think clearly when it feels like someone has just punched you in the nose. 🤧
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    Agree. I get angry, then remember that my anger is born out of disappointment. At the medical system that says: [ If we can't see a cause for pain on an x-ray, or other test, then, we can't find anything wrong with you. So it must be, that the state of your mind, is causing the pain you feel...
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    New here and newly diagnosed

    The easiest way to explain I found was to say: I have a medical condition that causes daily pain, often to different areas of the body. It's called a Chronic Pain condition. It limits the type and amount of activities I can participate in. I am, together, with my medical team managing this...
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    Spasm in neck

    I had neck & shoulder sharp stabbing pain for years. Tried every stretch workout, physio, chiro, nothing would loosen those points of pain. Finally, my doctor recommended i try treading water. Stay close to the pool's edge, use legs kicks and gentle arm movement to stay afloat. The buoyancy...