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anyone have this symptom

thank you for responding. I did some research with this. I do not feel I have this only because I do not worry about the symptoms. I have tracked symptoms for the last two years. It started every third month and lasted for a month and then I'd be great for two months not even thinking about it until the second year when July hit I ended up in the emergency room since then it's been every month and every other month and now it's daily so I'm not sure they say it's fibromyalgia, but in the back of my head, I don't think I'm not sure that's actually what it is.
I just learned that fibromyalgia can also cause bladder issues like Interstitual Cystitis...learned the hard way, by getting it!!
I used to run a fibro support group (14 years), and a lot of us who have shortness of breath on exertion turned out to have hypothyroidism. I used to have to stop 4 times going up a slight hill before I got thyroid medication. We also have an astronomically higher risk of thyroid cancer, though it is almost always curable, so I would get a full thyroid panel done, NOT just a TSH test. Low thyroid function messes up everything, even your personality. I didn't realize how depressed I was until I got the medication. I hope that is not it, but I think it's worth checking...

There is another painful issue in the same area as Interstitial cystitis that we get a lot if we are female and most of us are. It is called vulvar vestibulitis or vulvodynia, depending on how it manifests. It is agonizingly painful just like IC. Estrogen is the best treatment for it, ime.
thank you for your post. I have had my thyroid check with many tests and everything has come back with in normal limits.
Я ранее руководила отделением поддержки больных фибромиалгией (14 лет), и у многих из нас, у кого была одышка при поступлении, обнаружился гипотиреоз. Мне пришлось остановиться 4 раза, чтобы подняться на небольшой холм, прежде чем я получила лекарство от тяжелой железы. У нас также астрономически высокий риск возникновения рака щитовидной железы, хотя он почти всегда излечим, поэтому я бы сделала полный анализ щитовидной железы, а НЕ только анализ на ТТГ. Низкая функция щитовидной железы портит все, даже вашу личность. Я не осознавала, что я подавляла, пока не получила лекарства. Надеюсь, это не так, но я думаю, что стоит проверить...

Есть еще одна болезненная проблема в той же области, что и интерстициальный цистит, с которым мы часто сталкиваемся, если мы женщины, а большинство из нас такими являются. Это называется вульварный вестибулит или вульводиния, в зависимости от того, как это обнаруживается. Это мучительно больно, как и ИЦ. Эстроген — лучшее лечение для
При гипотиреозе может развиться миалгия, в некоторых случаях переходящая в фибромиалгию. Моей бабушке удалили щитовидную железу 15 лет назад, с тех пор она находится на заместительной терапии, сейчас ей 88 лет, жалоб нет.
I used to run a fibro support group (14 years), and a lot of us who have shortness of breath on exertion turned out to have hypothyroidism. I used to have to stop 4 times going up a slight hill before I got thyroid medication. We also have an astronomically higher risk of thyroid cancer, though it is almost always curable, so I would get a full thyroid panel done, NOT just a TSH test. Low thyroid function messes up everything, even your personality. I didn't realize how depressed I was until I got the medication. I hope that is not it, but I think it's worth checking...

There is another painful issue in the same area as Interstitial cystitis that we get a lot if we are female and most of us are. It is called vulvar vestibulitis or vulvodynia, depending on how it manifests. It is agonizingly painful just like IC. Estrogen is the best treatment for it, ime.
Hypothyroidism may develop myalgia, in some cases developing into fibromyalgia. My grandmother had her thyroid gland removed 15 years ago, since then she has been on replacement therapy, now she is 88 and there are no complaints.
спасибо за ответ. Я провел небольшое исследование по этому поводу. Я не чувствую, что у меня это есть, только потому, что я не беспокоюсь о симптомах. Я отслеживал симптомы в течение последних двух лет. Это начиналось каждый третий месяц и длилось месяц, а затем я чувствовал себя отлично в течение двух месяцев, даже не вспоминая об этом, пока на второй год, когда наступил июль, я не оказался в отделении неотложной помощи, с тех пор это было каждый месяц и через месяц, а теперь это ежедневно, так что я не уверен, что они говорят, что это фибромиалгия, но в глубине души я не думаю, я не уверен, что это на самом деле то, что это.

thank you for responding. I did some research with this. I do not feel I have this only because I do not worry about the symptoms. I have tracked symptoms for the last two years. It started every third month and lasted for a month and then I'd be great for two months not even thinking about it until the second year when July hit I ended up in the emergency room since then it's been every month and every other month and now it's daily so I'm not sure they say it's fibromyalgia, but in the back of my head, I don't think I'm not sure that's actually what it is.
Okay, if you think it's not fibromyalgia, then what is it?
Three years ago I went through a lot of tests, doctors couldn't explain the cause of most of the complaints. Then I was sure that these were incompetent doctors. At the same time, my psychotherapist told me about a patient with diaphragm neurosis, the patient had difficulty breathing, various tests couldn't identify the cause of the complaints and this patient thought that the doctors just didn't understand it. This is a common story when a person with neurosis complains of somatic symptoms, tests can't explain the patient's complaints and then the patient thinks that these are just bad doctors.
At first, you had a wave-like course of the disease with periods of remission, now you have a continuous course.
What treatment did the doctor prescribe for you? Are there any improvements from the treatment?
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