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Cannabis to relieve pain

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New member
Apr 28, 2013
Tyne and Wear
I know this may be illegal in most states/cities, but many people have reported a great ease of pain with the use of cannabis. You do not have to get high in particular from it, as it could be taken in oil form (see Rick Simpson story on YouTube) and it can also be baked into cookies etc. Everyone I have heard of who has tried this says it's the best form of pain relief they have ever tried. I honestly think cannabis should be legalised for medicinal use, and more states/cities/countries seem to be realising this also. The decriminalisation and legalisation of cannabis is not in the governments best interest though it seems, and they would much rather have you take toxic pharmaceutical drugs rather than natural remedies. So does anyone have experience with this as an effective pain relief?
I didn't use it with fibro, but I have used a pill type called Marino. I don't know if I spelled that right when I had cancer. The pill was legal. It was supposed to help increase my appetite and settle my stomach. I don't think that the pill helped that much in the way of pain.
I would agree with its medicinal use. I can see many situations where it could be potentially helpful, and I would be willing to try it. I can also see potential problems, ones that became apparent when pharmaceutical companies started offering programs to help people who could not afford them. Blatant bias. It would not shock me that a high number of physicians would not prescribe medical marijuana, even if it were legal, simply because they don't agree with its use or prescribe it for specific patients. I know the pharmaceutical company analogy seems a bit irrelevant, but (to me) it gave some physicians a method of becoming roadblocks to medication access. At first, problems occurred because patients could not afford certain medications. Now, if a particular physician wants to be mean, they simply won't fill out the forms and send them to the company. I can see that happening with this.
I would agree with its medicinal use. I can see many situations where it could be potentially helpful, and I would be willing to try it. I can also see potential problems, ones that became apparent when pharmaceutical companies started offering programs to help people who could not afford them. Blatant bias. It would not shock me that a high number of physicians would not prescribe medical marijuana, even if it were legal, simply because they don't agree with its use or prescribe it for specific patients. I know the pharmaceutical company analogy seems a bit irrelevant, but (to me) it gave some physicians a method of becoming roadblocks to medication access. At first, problems occurred because patients could not afford certain medications. Now, if a particular physician wants to be mean, they simply won't fill out the forms and send them to the company. I can see that happening with this.

I agree that there is a certain bias here. Unfortunately cannabis has received an awful lot of criticism and propaganda attributed with it's use. The truth is though that it has been used as medicine for thousands of years. There are many ways to use cannabis without necessarily getting "high" for medicinal purposes. The main reason being is that the CBD in cannabis has the most medicinal benefits, and its not the THC that is the superior element here. I think the greed of Big pharma is what is mostly stopping this from being used internationally as treatment. I was also shocked to discover that the U.S government already has a patent on cannabis as medicine, yet it remains illegal, it's disgusting actually.
The real issue as far as the United States goes is this. Marijuanna will never be fully legal or provided for those who truly need it. The pharmacutecal companies are to much of a cash cow. The are making way to much of a profit to let holisitc drugs become the fore front of anyones medical care. It is very sad. But this is the way it is as long as there are beurocrats around to make all the rules. This does not have anything to do with the fact that marijuanna is a "drug". It is all a political game. And that is the bottom line.
I have tried both smoking it & eating it. I find eating it in cookies, brownies, muffins, cookies etc... helps me in terms of helping me to sleep. But I don't find that it takes away any of my pain from both rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia... but that may be just me!
There's nights that just the sleep alone might be worth it, though!
The real issue as far as the United States goes is this. Marijuanna will never be fully legal or provided for those who truly need it. The pharmacutecal companies are to much of a cash cow. The are making way to much of a profit to let holisitc drugs become the fore front of anyones medical care. It is very sad. But this is the way it is as long as there are beurocrats around to make all the rules. This does not have anything to do with the fact that marijuanna is a "drug". It is all a political game. And that is the bottom line.

I think you've gotten this exactly right, Libragirl. And in addition to all this, there's a huge open gap for people to start abusing the system and lying to doctors and that's a whole other Pandora's box, isn't it? I know that there's a problem now with people "doctor surfing" to get more meds.... I knew the term that it's called but I can't recall it at the moment. As soon as something like marijuana would be legalized, I can't even imagine how fast the "gatherers" would think of ways to get as much as they can. Oh, the term is "drug seekers".... Duh on me! :rolleyes:
I am fortunate enough to live in Colorado and have had my special MMJ card for a couple of years. There is an aspect of pain that all of the pain meds I take cannot touch.

It is difficult to explain, but there's an area in my brain, and I can only speak for my experience, that never rests, even when I have all of my pain medications on board. Cannabis seems to shut that part of my brain down, or at least eases the tension, and I feel relief. The pain medications control the pain, but I do not feel the relief that I find with small amounts of cannabis.

Once the relief sets in, I can concentrate on tasks and I sleep soundly. The cannabis is a blessing, for me, and I hope our country sees fit to make both medical and recreational use legal.
I also found cannabis a godsend as far as sleep goes but had to give up smoking it due to the health problems I was having with the smoking. I use to make cookies but then my dealer got busted and I couldn't get it any more. I think you should be able to use it for medical reasons. I didn't find it helped so much with the pain but it sure helped me sleep. I havn't slept through the night since I stopped smoking it but I no longer need asthma meds.
I was told that in Canada, cannabis is illegal except for medical use (growers have to have a license to grow it for medical purposes). Can any Canadians here confirm this?
In Canada a person can use/grow pot with a medical licence. I find it takes the edge off pain and helps with sleep.
It is difficult to explain, but there's an area in my brain, and I can only speak for my experience, that never rests, even when I have all of my pain medications on board. Cannabis seems to shut that part of my brain down, or at least eases the tension, and I feel relief. The pain medications control the pain, but I do not feel the relief that I find with small amounts of cannabis.

That was a very good explanation, MercyL... I really don't know anything at all about this, so I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question. When you say it shuts that part of your brain down, you don't mean by making you sleepy, right? Would it be more like a release of anxiety that the pain is causing? Like it allows you to finally relax?
That was a very good explanation, MercyL... I really don't know anything at all about this, so I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question. When you say it shuts that part of your brain down, you don't mean by making you sleepy, right? Would it be more like a release of anxiety that the pain is causing? Like it allows you to finally relax?

Your question is not stupid at all!

One does not have to use medical cannabis the way recreational cannabis is used. People smoke for the buzz and tend to smoke more in one sitting, during recreational use.

It only takes one or two "puffs" to get enough THC to make a difference. It is subtle, but the longer you use MMJ, the less you need to get the same affect. You don't have to be "stoned out of your head" to experience the benefits

The brain activity you ask about is like a bell that rings incessantly. There is no actual ringing, but there is an alarm system that keeps demanding attention. It is that part of the brain that the MMJ quiets, allowing me to concentrate on other things.
some years ago i smoked cannibis for migraines and trigeminal neuralgia (forgive the spelling) and it was the only thing that worked. when the neuralgia went away I stopped using it. it also got harder to get the stuff that i liked.
When my fibro and IBS got worse just a few years ago I tried it again as a freind told me it helped settle dodgy stomachs. I tried but this time around, even though it made me feel initially sleepy it was not a lasting sleep and tended to make me feel sickly.
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