The worst 2 weeks I have ever had

I have been really sick. I have so much on my plate that I don't know how to handle it anymore. I feel I am losing my grip on things. I feel so helpless sometimes. I don't know what kind of feeling I should have. Happiness, Sadness or anger. I am happy things are picking up. Sad that it has taken half of my life. Anger that I can't get to it faster. So many things are blocking me off from what I know I need to do. I need a breath...a break from it. Even for a few minutes. I will try to get out and head to town. Decided if I want it I will just have to work extra hard for it. I intend on changing things. #1 eat Healthier. If I start on one and put everything I have into it then I might beable to get somewhere.


Hi. I know the feeling but just take one step at a time and you will see its all going to get done. Take care

I have a suggestion for you and myself :):

Take 2 words out of your vocabulary........ NEED and SHOULD.

Need= victim
Should= self judgement

When I say I need to lose weight, need to exercise, need to stop criticizing myself, etc. etc. I am making myself a victim. If I say I want to and will do A. B. C.... when I'm good and ready, I then become EMPOWERED by my own choices.

When I say someone should do this or that, or I should do this or that, I'm judging myself and others.

It took me awhile to get those words out of my daily vocab. They still creep up in there sometimes, but now I notice it immediately and say 'strike that, reverse it.' LOL.

Keep on keeping on, you are absolutely doing the best you can at this moment. Give yourself a break.

I'm gonna read this back to myself so I can take my own advice LOL.

From the age of 22-30 I dealt with overwhelming symptoms similar to yours. I was on Lyrica for muscle pain, high dose antidepressants (for muscle pain) and could barely get out of bed. I also have endometriosis and ulcerative colitis (both autoimmune). I am a RN, and have done a ton of personal research on fibro, and believe without a doubt it is an autoimmune disorder caused by inflammation in the body. About 3 years ago I was fed up and saw a naturopathic doctor. He checked my Magnesium and Vitamin D levels, which were so low he was shocked I was functioning at all. After high dose supplementation and a complete change in diet, my symptoms were GONE within 6 months to a year. The nutritional imbalance and leaky gut caused the chronic inflammation which leads to a whole string of autoimmune disease in those prone. I eat at least 5 servings of organic fruit and vegetables everyday, take high quality probiotics (or drink kefir) and supplement with high quality fish oil twice a day. All of these things eliminate the inflammation in your body. It is also important to try and identify if there are specific food allergies that could be causing inflammation, like dairy, gluten, nuts, ect.

There is definitely a hormonal component involved in fibro. Why is it women of child bearing age all get fibro? It is related to estrogen dominance which also causes inflammation. The supplement that has drastically improved by PMS and endometriosis is called DIM. I also take 2 supplements for adrenal insufficiency. In the morning I take Rhodiola and in the evening Ashwagndha. I completely agree that you need to be seen by a traditional MD to rule out other problems, but I cannot tell you how important it is to see a nutritionist or naturopath. I am joining these forums now that I am well, to share my story and hopefully help others. Good luck

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