bad day.. but the end turned out good

I had a not so good starting of a day. It was hard. Luckly I had my Mom try and help me pass through it. I had tears going down my face. I felt like a zombie and the pain was the worst Ive had in Months. She pushed me through it. I still left even though I felt like a pile of poo. I went out to get a new pet. I got a bird. Bringing that bird home. Oh gosh. How could anything be so cute and innocent?! There wasnt any breath holes so I poked one in the box. And the whole time she stuck her little face next to the peep hole and we stared at each other the whole ride home. Such a sweet little distraction. I got home settled her in and decided I need to buck up so I can go out for dinner. Ordered like a taste plate. Is was so gooooood. I chatted with my family and we talked and laughed. I decided to talk about my illness. I think filling them in how Im doing helps. I thinking haveing that one person in your life that will stick it through with you is the greatest thing.


Firstly excuse my english as it is not my first language

But this might seem crazy, I am finally cured from Fibromylgia

MCS and obessive thinking disorder and chronic pain. By using

neural retraining program by annie hopper. And this is her website Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Treatment and Recovery from Environmental Illness , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia

Please use the last bit of energy to recover from this illness you

can do it many people had and they are pain free, you will

recover just give it a try. Please do it i have been in your shoes

and i Know how it feels

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