Dr. Ian Wicks, MBBS, PhD
Dr. Ian Wicks, MBBS, PhD is a Rheumatologist that deals with Fibromyalgia patients out of his office in Melbourne, VIC.
This doctor specializes in the following discipline(s):
- Adult Rheumatology
- Research Clinical
As of the last update to this profile, Dr. Ian Wicks, MBBS, PhD member type was that of: ACR Fellow International.
If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Ian Wicks, MBBS, PhD please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page. Recommendations for changes to this profile can be made through our contact page, or through the comment form below.
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Lorna Bozzacchi
Wed, 07/20/2016 - 20:44
Dear Manager of Fibromyalgia Forums,
It has come to our attention that Professor Ian Wicks' private research laboratory phone number is listed on your website. Prof Wicks is kindly requesting the removal of this number. He is receiving an inordinate number of patient phone calls requesting appointments, which of course is highly disruptive.
We would like to add that he no longer sees patients in a private capacity, only via the Royal Melbourne Hospital Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic, which is public (ph: 9342-7393). Anyone seeking an appointment in the RMH Rheumatology Clinic will need to request a referral from their GP and fax it to the RMH Outpatient Department on 9342-4234.
We thank you for your assistance.
Kind regards,
Lorna Bozzacchi
Prof Ian Wicks' PA