Dr. Perry J. Rush, MD, FRCPC

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Details/Testimonial About the Doctor: 

Dr. Perry J. Rush, MD, FRCPC is a Rheumatologist that deals with Fibromyalgia patients out of his office in Toronto, ON.

This doctor specializes in the following discipline(s):

  • Adult Rheumatology
  • Physiatry

As of the last update to this profile, Dr. Perry J. Rush, MD, FRCPC member type was that of: ACR Fellow Member.

If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Perry J. Rush, MD, FRCPC please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page. Recommendations for changes to this profile can be made through our contact page, or through the comment form below.

Office Address: 
5927 Bathurst St, Suite 202
Toronto, ON M2R 3T5


Hi (Dr.) Perry,

We spoke a few years ago and I, more recently, with you father in Montreal, Ronald.  Remember we think we're once or twice-removed cousins and you are my only relatives who are Shomer Shabbat. 

I have a two-fold reason for writing, please.  Well, first, L' Shana Tovah, good health, happiness and parnassah to you and your whole family.

I've been corresponding with what appears to be a potential shidduch from Toronto and a woman with very good Middot, Miriam Perl, who lives near your office.  (Thornhill?)

Can you recommend a hotel or do you have an extra sofa for a night around Chanukah time please so I may meet her?

Second, may I have you father's phone number as I misplaced it and when he leaves me a VM, didn't leave his number.

Thank you.

Shavuah Tov.

Michael Rush

215-342-5362 (home)







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