Dr. Stuart N. Seigel, MD

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Details/Testimonial About the Doctor: 

Dr. Stuart N. Seigel, MD is a Rheumatologist that deals with Fibromyalgia patients out of his office in Kelowna, BC.

This doctor specializes in the following discipline(s):

  • Internal Medicine
  • Adult Rheumatology

As of the last update to this profile, Dr. Stuart N. Seigel, MD member type was that of: ACR Fellow Member.

If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Stuart N. Seigel, MD please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page. Recommendations for changes to this profile can be made through our contact page, or through the comment form below.

Office Address: 
1605 Gordon Dr
Kelowna, BC V1Y 3G8


Do I need a referal to come see Dr.?
I am 46 years young. I have been in almost constant pain 6-8 for 2 1/2 years. I can't work at my job of 17years. I was assessed by Dr. HYAMS in Vancouver in March 2014. Diagnosed with FM/C.F. I would benefit from some expert care. I don't sleep well and am in decline. Please I am desperate.

Are you taking any new patients, or know a general doctor that will take me on, in order to get a referal to see you. I would like a second opinion as all conventional treatments for this condition have not worked. I am concerned that it may be somethign else and would like that ruled out. Please let me know the route that would work best for me.

Thank you, Tracy 

Kelowna, BC


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