
Good's 6 am right now and I have been up for 30 mins or so. Cause oh somebody had to pee!!! And this time it wasn't me...
I have 4 ancient teacup chihuahua , 6 yr old beagle 20 mth old german shepherd and a 5 mth old german shepherd...most days I love them ...not so much this morning..I had to be up at 7 not 530. I'm not sure who taught them how to tell time but they got it so wrong..
They are a lot of work but if not for the dogs I would stay in bed all day..
Most times people ask if I'm crazy having the 4 of them. Well ya I guess I am. Well today for sure...


I solved the early morning pee issue with a fence and a dog door. It was bliss. The 'feed me' issue is what gets me up and that is much later in the morning. Dogs are wonderful medicine and you can never have too many!

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