Writing therapy

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Feb 13, 2014
One of the things I do when my symptoms are really bad is write. I write how I am feeling, mostly, but sometimes I write about good times I've had or the blessings in my life, and often I'll try to put my thoughts into songs or poems. It's very therapeutic for me, and I would recommend it as a way to better cope with the difficulties of fibro, if nothing else to keep track of how you feel. Sometimes my muscles/joints get to sore to use a pen, so I normally use a notepad on my phone. I'm a very introverted person, and I have an easier time communicating through writing than through speech, so this may be why it helps me so much. Does anyone else find it helpful to put their feelings on to paper?
Hi Ryan. Keeping a journal is one of the best things I do for me. I've been writing since forever. Mindfulness, gratitude, venting or celebrating-- it helps keep me centered. Sounds like it works for you, too. Write on! Pat
I'm still using my Live Journal account I started when I was 16. I find it very helpful, because it is like talking to a person that actually listens.
One of the things I do when my symptoms are really bad is write. I write how I am feeling, mostly, but sometimes I write about good times I've had or the blessings in my life, and often I'll try to put my thoughts into songs or poems. It's very therapeutic for me, and I would recommend it as a way to better cope with the difficulties of fibro, if nothing else to keep track of how you feel.

I know that writing is good therapy for a lot of issues, and I'm glad it helps you to keep your mind off of the pain from fibro. I'm a songwriter and before I got into the music publishing business and was writing lyrics more often, I used it for that purpose sometimes, too.

I think writing about the blessings in your life, especially when you're hurting an extra lot, is an excellent way to cope in the best way you know how.
I'm a songwriter and before I got into the music publishing business and was writing lyrics more often, I used it for that purpose sometimes, too.

Yeah, the emotions that result from fibro help create some good heartfelt songwriting! One plus (I guess it's a plus? hah)
Yeah, the emotions that result from fibro help create some good heartfelt songwriting! One plus (I guess it's a plus? hah)

I think being able to find a plus in this particular situation is a sign of the kind of positive attitude you'll be finding you'll need to tap into often. Good feeling to know it's there, I'm sure!
Hi Ryan! i actually love writing, I used to have a private blog where I used to write about everything in my life, not only my physical pain, but also the emotional one. i can't tell you how much that helped me back in the day, I can no longer do it because i don't have a lot time during the day, but whenever I have the time I might get int the habit and blog away. I really need to take same things off my chest, specially certain health fears that are in my mind right now.
I've never really done a lot of writing to get the physical pain that I'm feeling out. However, I have been a writer all my life and I definitely find that whenever there are tough things going on in your life that there is a lot more room on paper than inside your mind and therefore I really do feel like writing is a great form of therapy.
I can't say that I write my feelings out on paper because I'm not really one to express my feelings. I can't say that I bottle them up inside, I just don't feel I have much to say about them. I'd probably complain and as I once said to my friends, "I don't talk about what's bothering because I'd get tired of listening to myself".

However, I study. I study a lot. I write when I study and that seems to keep my mind of any pain (provided I sit with good posture). I've had to buy some fancy Unibal pens that have the softest gel like grip to write (I have no padding left on my feet or fingers) but that's beside the point. It is so helpful having something to keep my mind off things.
I can't say that I write my feelings out on paper because I'm not really one to express my feelings. I can't say that I bottle them up inside, I just don't feel I have much to say about them. I'd probably complain and as I once said to my friends, "I don't talk about what's bothering because I'd get tired of listening to myself".

You are not the only one, actually I'm also experiencing this very same issue! I feel so tired of talking about the same thing over and over. Sometimes it seems I keep just repeating myself over and over: ''I'm frustrated a lot lately'', ''Oh the paiiin'' :lol: But seriously, if you can you should try to at least get a blog, make it private and just write about your feelings or things that happen in your daily life that might have bothered you, etc.
That is a very good idea. You never know what can come from your writing. You can also use it when you go into the doctors and show them what you were feeling. It's always good to keep track of this stuff as well.
Writing therapy is an awesome thing for those of us with this disease. It allows us to get everything out of our minds and into something that we can go back a review at a later time. Or, we can even share our writing with our doctors and counselors. My counselor that my doctor requires me to see in order to be treated by him has been encouraging me to write in a journal since the beginning. Im not trying to get on a soapbox about but, I have seen first hand with my own treatment just how well it works.
For years i would talk about this illness to family, but they have no idea and just think i am dramatic ...whatever..

It does make you somewhat dramatic to have pain that is limiting....
For years i would talk about this illness to family, but they have no idea and just think i am dramatic ...whatever..

It does make you somewhat dramatic to have pain that is limiting....

My family was the same way in the beginning. They thought I was just using it as an excuse or, making it up to get pain meds when that was the farthest thing from the truth. There are so many out there who thought we were all just doing this to be doing it or, because we liked the extra attention. But, now they know that we were really sick like we had been saying all along.
I also write to help me work out how I am feeling. I read in one of my favorite books, The Master Key System by Charles Haanel, that it can be very therapeutic for you body, mind and soul. Definitely check this out if you are interested in it. It can really help you through hard times.
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