Drink tart cherry juice for better sleep

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Jenny Heart

Active member
Feb 25, 2014
Tart Cherry juice is a drink that helps help me sleep better throughout the night. I sleep less when I don't drink this drink before bedtime. People that have this condition and can sleep well usually feel less pain and fatigue. Doctors know that it's important foe all his patients to know that good sleep and better health play a big part in the healing process of Fibromyalgia.
Thanks for this tip about cherry juice. I have heard there are many good benefits gotten from drinking cherry juice and that the vitamin content is high in it as well. :)
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Ill have to give it a try. Ive heard of it being used for people with gout. Thanks for sharing.
I might give this a try, because ever since I came back from my trip I'm having a lot issues sleeping the usual 8 hours... last night I only slept for 5 hours. Needless to say I'm about to fall asleep right now! It seems the vitamin B complex I take is still helping me to fall asleep early, but sadly I'm not able to stay asleep for more than 5 hours. I need to find a way to fix my sleeping pattern! I will surely try this! I rather try this than going back to taking sleeping pills.
I could not believe this, so did a google search for cherry juice as a sleep aide. I'm one of those people, whose head hits the pillow, and then I'm sleeping for about 8 hours, non stop, so no insomnia. I love sleep. I love sleeping, which is why I'm going to try this cherry juice. I'm curious to see if it could put me into a more relaxed, deeper sleep. Also, I'm very much a believer in taking a good nutrient drink before I go to bed, so my body can use the nutrients to heal as I sleep. Thanks for posting this tidbit, I'm going to try it :)
Thank you for your post. Though I've tried a lot of things for sleep aid, tart cherry juice is something I have yet to try. Lucky you for being able to sleep for so many hours straight! :) I love sleep as well, but sleep doesn't seem to love me back :P
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Hmmm. I've never heard of cherry juice for sleep! Thanks for the tip! I would be interested to see if this works because I know that there are certain nights that my legs feel restless, which makes the rest of me restless.

I don't know if anyone else feels that way, but there are times that my legs just feel so achy at night. It would be awesome if cherry juice could help that issue! If anyone has any experiences with it, please tell! I would like to learn more about it!
I do not suffer from fibro, however I do have a bad problem with insomnia, so I'll try your remedy, OP. Thank you very much for sharing it with all of us.
Hmm, never tried that. I've tried so many things to help me sleep, I've grown pretty skeptical of things people say works, cause they never work for me!...But at least Cherry juice is beneficial to health and with no adverse side effects like medication has, so if nothing else I'll be getting nutrients. Thanks for the suggestion
Interesting! I suffer from severe insomnia. I'm lucky when I average 3-4 hours a night. Some nights it's only an hour or so. I'm going to have to find tart cherry juice! I believe that if I could sleep, I'd probably have less severe pain and fatigue....It's my fantasy and I'm stickin' too it....Thank you for the suggestion. Whoever tries it first, let us know how it works!
Thanks for the tip! I have BAD insomnia so I may just start a cherry juice IV drip hahaha. Iam going to try this for sure!
Thanks for the suggestion. I have never tried drinking cherry juice before I go to sleep. This seems like it would help tons since cherries have such great health advantages. I usually drink tea before I get in bed to go to sleep. It seems to soothe me.
My friend also drink that since a month ago and she can attest to how well it helps her to sleep. I think it has very good soothing properties that allow you to enjoy your sleep and be less restless through the night. It's best taken a few minutes before you finally go to bed. It tastes good too so there is not much reason that you won't be able to enjoy drinking this.

My friend says that she feels so refreshed when she wakes up in the morning and feels that she has been well-rested through the night.
Thanks for sharing this, that is very interesting. I haven't heard of this for a sleeping aid with fibromyalgia. I know that it is healthy though so I will give it a try. Do you toss and turn without the cherry juice? Or you just can't sleep? Thanks for posting!
Thanks for the suggestion. I have never tried drinking cherry juice before I go to sleep. This seems like it would help tons since cherries have such great health advantages. I usually drink tea before I get in bed to go to sleep. It seems to soothe me.

Have you tried a B complex? I was having serious issues trying to fall asleep every night until I tried a B complex. I'm sure you will find it useful too :) It also helps a lot wit your hair and make you feel relaxed. Actually thanks to Metformin I suffered a deficiency of vitamin B12, that made my hair fallout like crazy and could barely sleep at night.
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