Daydreaming of a dog for company.. advice?

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i work mine out on a treadmill 3 times a week, and i make them swim in my bathtub as well on bad days
Thank you Linda74!
I would love advice on what breeds would be a good fit. I agree with the size. I'm looking for a small, non shedding, loves-to-be-near-me dog. An easier temperament and lower energy needs would be big pluses for me. And not a huge barker... I have a headache all the time (I know dogs have to bark a little and that's fine, but do some breads seem to bark more than others?) I looked your dog breed up on the internet and it was cute :) And I love the bathtub idea.

do you have any rescue organizations that you know are reputable? We have a local humane society but I know that there are national ones that can match people... I've heard of 'see spot rescued' and 'pet finder', are those good?
Also do you have any breeds in mind in addition to chihuahuas? (I had a friend that had a chihuahua that was TERRIBLE and I think she ruined that breed for me, it must have been improperly trained like you said... )

being properly handled seems to be an important theme for both dogs and cats. I have family with strong cat allergies and I think it will be easier to stay with a dog, but I have met some lovely cats and can see why they would make good companions. I just so loved having a dog as a child and I am drawn to them :) My husband said last night that maybe someday we could share a dog with a next door neighbor, he could live in both houses and share a back yard... it made me laugh but I see how that would be the best of both worlds :) .....except keeping consistent with house rules and training could be tricky :) I am having so much fun researching and dreaming of all things dog-related, but I will wait until we are ready, able, and committed before we do it. I'm still trying to figure out when that will be..... Fibro is all about waiting, isn't it? Waiting on dreams and figuring out which ones are worth fighting for now and which ones will have to wait. But even with the fighting, so many of them have to wait.
The Coton De Tulear is one dog that has caught my eye, from what I've read it sound easier behaviorally than some other companion dogs.... does that sound like a good one? I don't know if that's too show-dog-y to be practical. But I'm not afraid to get a dog groomed into an easy short hair cut.
my aunt have 2 coton de teluar, they are very nice companion dogs, altho they can become barky. but they are lovely companions. there is chinese crested, miniture poodles, shih tzu and alot of other small longhaired breeds that are allergy friendly and low to no shedding dogs. i will find more names of other breeds for you, but i just went into a massive fog right now, brain lacking ability to think.. hehe just been training agility with my dogs, and after i cant really think or even write ... haha got to love this condition... have you had dogs previously? thats also a factor. Shih tzu are the perfect 1st time dogs, low to no shedding, altho long haired dogs, will need grooming, they adapt perfektly to their owner and are also known to not be big barkers. they are bred only as companion dogs for hundreds of years, so all they want is to play and interact with you. they are sweet and gentle in nature, and a non agressive breed in it self. and they are not a breed that needs long hikes and lots of exercise. my mother had one, and she also has fibro, and she has difficult walking, but the dogs adapted to not really wanting trips, but my mum kept her going with toys and braingames inside, they are perfekt for apartment living as well. easy to train. and i think they are supercol, because you kan give them so many different types of haircuts... they are just supercute.

will write more when the fog lifts

hugz and kisses...
I wonder if there is a place in your area that trains dogs to be Companion Dogs. They are especially trained to help people with disabilities. I knew someone who took her dog with her everywhere bc it helped keep her phobias at bay. Of course, they're trained to help you, keep you safe and keep you company. There was a program on TV one time that showed how, with specific commands and tools, it can bring you things, dial 911 ( using special phone), and things like that. I think that's really cool and would be worth checking it out.

Peace :)
In March of this year we got a 8yr old Yorkie. She has been the best thing for me. She is the best cuddle baby ever. She doesn't require a bunch of care. She hates going for walks. In fact the few times my daughters have tried she gets to end of our driveway and just stares at them. It's pretty cute. Lol She would much rather lay down with me than do anything. She will jump down with a burst of energy and run around the house twice and then come lay back down and sleep for hours. I don't have much problems with her hair shedding. As for baths my husband or my daughters bathe her at night when they get home during the week. So she is very easy to keep. Even to let out to go to the bathroom she goes out does her business and comes right back. Hope this helps.
Look into a no kill shelter. Puppy may be to much. This way your not committed . Try an older lapdog that doesn't shed. Nor demand your attension.There's just something about rescue animals. The dogs that don't she'd will probley need a lot of brushing. I'm sure the shelter would love the help.
Lynda 74,
I grew up with a shih tzu! I've never had any dogs as an adult, just that childhood dog. Her name was sasha and she wasn't that into me which is why I hadn't automatically thought about that kind of dog again. She had her favorite people in the house and I wasn't one of them. I was 5 when we got her and I think my childhood energy wasn't a great match for her, she was very sensitive and was easily stressed out. As I grew up it wasn't a problem anymore and she would sit on my lap if no one else was home, but would ditch me if a better lap became available :) But maybe a shih tzu is a better fit for me, they sure are cute! Surely I could find one that would be head over heals for me, right? :) I was reading somewhere that when you pick out a dog, to pay attention to not only what dog you like, but what dog likes you.

Cheryl Ann,
Dogs can dial 911?! That's amazing. It's something to think about, thanks for chiming in :)

I'm so glad you commented! This is such an encouragement, it's the very thing I want for myself. I'm so glad you and your dog have each other :) I like the idea of an older dog to love.

Yeah, I think you're right. There would be extra grooming work with a non shedder, though cutting it short would help. I do like the idea about giving a home to an older rescue dog. It's like we would both need each other. :)
hehehe made me giggle a little bit what you said. because we have a different outlook on life when we are kids, and dogs do too... dogs will love the person that gives them food, that takes them for strolls, and that gives them attention. as a child we try to get the attention of the dogs for the wrong reasons. i can say with certanty that whatever dog you will get in your house, will be attached to you. hehe gender is also something to consider... seems like boys are much calmer and more cuddly that girls are. they are calmer in a way. my little ones have alot of energy, altho they love nothing better than to crawl under the covers with me to cuddle and be a part of what ever i am doing. and i will also say that a naked dogs, is soooo lovely when aches and pains set in... they are warm and you can make them lay down where ever there is pain in your body... they are my hot waterbottles on bad days.. hehe. are you working?, do you have small children and so on, and ofc that is also something to consider... and Coton is a wonderful breed, so dont give up on the idea... but like i said... they can become barkers... just stay away from the smallest of breeds, because they will bark... hehe

I do think that a dog can and will make life a bit richer... it is fun to do things with them, and fun is imortant to have when there is soo much pain and depression with this illness. i do agility, and shows with my little ones. even tho i know that i will struggle for days after i go training with them, it gives me alot of laughs and social interactions with others... so it is worth it..

hugz and kisses
I'm not able to work so I am home all the time, except a handful of medical appointments a week. We don't have any kids, but if I got better enough that we could do that, we would jump at the chance. So maybe someday. I think that's one of the reasons a dog would be good for us, it would be something to care for :) Thank you so much for your advice!
I am recently diagnosed, just at the end of November and still waiting to get my results from my other tests to rule out RA and Ankylosying Spondolitis, sp? I have had 3 cats for years and within the past 2 years got older dachsunds and I have to say that I have never been happier or more calm in my life. I take a nap everyday because I have CFS and I have to say that I think my dogs are happier to sleep than I am they know my routine, we take the teens to middle school, eat breakfast, play bingo on the computer, do dishes and laundry and pick up real quick in the house then it is potty time for me and them then it is nap time, then pick up the kids, go to my PT job that kills my body and makes me worse and then it is me coming home to find them on the couch or in bed with my kids or my hubby. Then me, lol. And they are more eager than I am to sleep, weiner dogs aka dachshunds love to be asleep or burrowed under covers so they make perfect fibro pets. They tell me when they have to potty and we go out then right back to the couch under covers or in bed. Depending on how bad our day/ my day is.
I am recently diagnosed, just at the end of November and still waiting to get my results from my other tests to rule out RA and Ankylosying Spondolitis, sp? I have had 3 cats for years and within the past 2 years got older dachsunds and I have to say that I have never been happier or more calm in my life. I take a nap everyday because I have CFS and I have to say that I think my dogs are happier to sleep than I am they know my routine, we take the teens to middle school, eat breakfast, play bingo on the computer, do dishes and laundry and pick up real quick in the house then it is potty time for me and them then it is nap time, then pick up the kids, go to my PT job that kills my body and makes me worse and then it is me coming home to find them on the couch or in bed with my kids or my hubby. Then me, lol. And they are more eager than I am to sleep, weiner dogs aka dachshunds love to be asleep or burrowed under covers so they make perfect fibro pets. They tell me when they have to potty and we go out then right back to the couch under covers or in bed. Depending on how bad our day/ my day is.

Hi Geiger twins,
My daughter has a dachshund and it lived with my husband and I while she was in college. I remember one day being extremely upset and depressed. I had lain down a n d had my head under the covers crying. Adonis, that was the dog's name, lol, came into my room, jumped up on the bed and burrowed I n Der to find me. He then started licking my face and would not stop until I was laughing at his sheer determination to cheer me up. He's a good boy but he sure can be stubborn. However, I sure am thankful he was that day!
That's so great to hear Geigertwins! I love how much joy they bring you.
I had a shih tzu growing up who would burrow to the bottom of my parents bed to sleep. When we took her camping with us, she would even burrow to the bottom of our sleeping bags. I felt so claustrophobic for her :)
Hi. I'm new here and knew I had to reply to your request for advice. A dog can make a huge difference in your life. Research breeds and dogs rescued from a shelter are the best. The first dog I got was a puppy and super easy to learn the rules of the house. She's a walker tree hound. Even though I got her as a pup, a hound dog does not do well in public places as her breed is a hound that was bred to chase prey up into trees for their owner to hunt. Also her breed "blows her coat" which means every time she got excited, her hair would fly off her. Sorry I know this is long however even working with a woman who was trying to find a good dog for my needs did not work out. I love that dog so much but I couldn't handle her at all or keep up with her energy. Four months ago I went to our local shelter to see a dog I saw online. That dog was definitely not for me. However at the end of one of the rose was this shabby little miniature poodle. He has been a godsend. Poodles don't shed, are very faithful, extremely smart, and great companions. I did my research this time. I couldn't imagine my life without buddy. My doctor was the original person who wanted me to have a dog. My ex fiance has the hound dog and both of them are very happy. I think dogs that are adopted from shelter remember where they came from and are very grateful for a good home. Also my buddy I adopted was 13 months old. That made it much easier been trying to train a puppy. Good luck and hope to hear how it goes if you get a dog.
Thanks for your input Rasz! I'm so glad that it all worked out for you. I have heard that poodles are great dogs. I would very much like a buddy :) I'm trying to imagine what it looks like for a dog to blow it's coat and it sounds both funny and terrible :)
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