
  1. W

    I just joined today 8.20.15 hello!

    wow, don't know what to say. I've had fibro for a long time, and its progressed until I feel isolated and alone, and over-joyed when I have the energy that actually has something to do with just fun and NOT another doctors appointment. It makes me sad, and exhausted, wears on me. I've never...
  2. T

    Hi to All

    Just got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.I don't know if I have it for sure or if the Neurologist was just guessing cause he had no clue what was wrong with me.They say I have to do one more test,electrical something or other? My brief history is that ive always suffered from depression,or a...
  3. Forgetmenot


    dont all rush at once ,and I no a lot of us don't have a great deal to laugh about,but if anyone has some funny story's to share pls do Laughter is a good Medicine ,and I'm sure would do us all good.
  4. L

    New Member

    Hi, My name is Kim and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2011. I'm seriously panicking about work at the moment and could use some advice. The people in my department know I have fibromyalgia. They don't, however, know the extent. They know I miss days because I'm in some pain and...
  5. M

    daily log

    I'm feeling kinda odd today, brain fog, depression ?My jaw is tight my back and legs are tight or tense. It's almost like when you know your going to crash , and your whole body tenses up. Wow, it's funny how when writing / typing I come up with better ways to express things. Hmmmmm one of my...
  6. M

    noise reduction.

    I am now using those kind of ear protected you see guys wear when working to protect their hearing It's a bit bulky, but they help me tolerate household noise. Funny, Husband is deaf, he tells me I need to get his attention if I want to talk to him, I'm sorry but I'm not doing that, it...
  7. T

    frequent foot cramping

    I have something new that has started and it is no fun! I have been getting cramps in my feet quite bit lately. I have increased pain in my arms and hands, shoulders and hips too. does anyone else have this problem? :-(
  8. I

    hi my life

    Bad start or post sorry butt o well I'm tired of the Internet forums and all that Why come then I have no life or net friends my wife works 8 hours and I'm bored And I want to vent talk help be heard all I get is lies safe place no judgment trust us all that Lying BS Sorry for the...
  9. S

    the torture table

    I recently had a nerve test done. They start by sending electrical currents throe different nerves. Then they use needles to observe muscle reactivity. On a normal person this is not such a big deal. On anFMS patient...this was torture. Each electrical current was the same feeling as hitting...
  10. L

    Hello, I'm new. I'm LovelyChantel

    Hello, I'm new. I just joined today. Today is a really bad day and I just can't stop crying. I have also laughed a lot and played around and had some fun times today but the pain keeps coming back and then I just want to cry. I'm so upset because I have so many things I want to do but it just...