
  1. L


    So yesterday it was ankle pain so bad it was hard to drive. Today I slept until 3pm and somehow feel like I injured the entire left side of my torsos. I woke up to back pain again despite the muscle relaxers. What will tomorrow be? It seems like a new issue every day. I can hardly keep up...
  2. Tipnatee N

    Lidocaine lotion is awesome when applying more than once.

    I bought a 4% lidocaine lotion a while back and didn't think much of it at first cause at first layer it didn't seem to help much with my pains. But this week I was experincing lots of knots in my shoulder and upper back and no amount of other stuff help including the strong lidocain patch ...
  3. L

    What is up with my leg?

    I don't know if this is fibro or not since I do have a degenerated/herniated disk L4-L5. I have so many issues I can't keep any of them straight. Yesterday I kept feeling my left thigh vibrate. Not like normal twitching I get all the time. It almost felt like the vibrator on my phone was going...
  4. Tipnatee N

    What was the worst thing have you ever done to your self in time of desperation?

    Warning : PLEASE DON'T EVER DO IT. Cause I'm ashame to admitting but I have gone through the deep end with so many extremely painful flare up days and so many many sleepless night. But I felt the need to let other people knows about this so no one will fallen to the victim of the Desparation...
  5. B


    Hi all. I am brand spanking new to this forum. I am curious to know about people's experiences with their health care providers. I was in a bad motorcycle accident in 2012. It was actually my surgeon who first suspected that I had developed FM. I mentioned this to my regular Dr who didn't...
  6. R

    Could I Have Fibro?/First Rheumatologist Appointment

    Good Day All, I have been considering the poitential I have Fibro for a while and would love to speak with some experienced veterans or even just knowledgeable members about it. Quick medical history, I was in 7 car accidents with in 5 years, I've been treated with physical therapy, massage...
  7. L

    Muscle Relaxers = More pain?!

    So, my pain doctor that I've had for a few years decided I had fibro and put me on Tizanidine 4mg tabs 3x a day. I've been on this for 3 days. Except now the pain is worse. My legs burn and my lower back seizes up after a few minutes of standing. I'm in more pain than I started with. Is there...
  8. K

    Back Pain!

    I need help guys! My upper and middle back have been hurting me so bad for the past 3 days I'm starting to go crazy. Usually I deal with some moderate back pain daily but it's been so severe for the past 3 days. I needed a friend to help me go grocery shopping. I vomited from the pain. It...
  9. M

    took caffine pills today/bad move

    To much to do and so little energy. So out of guilt, I drank to many energy drinks. Now Im wide eyed and cant sleep for sure. I stoped amnytriptoline,,,sp. because of dry mouth and other side effects, but, I think I need to go back on it. Grrrr, I hate being dependant on pills. Could be worse...
  10. C

    I’ve got Fibro, too!

    Glad I found you all.. I have been recently diagnosed although I think I have had it for years and seen rheumatologists, physical therapists, and chiropractors. I have also been tested for Lupus and Lyme disease. I am hypothyroid but have been on meds for that which have have brought my levels...