
Medical related terms of interest to people suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain.

Fibromyalgia Medical Terms and Definitions

Ethyl acrylate

A substance used in making latex paints and textiles. The US government removed ethyl acrylate from its list of potential cancer-causing agents in 2000.


Tobacco in the form of a powder that is inhaled into the nose, not smoked. Snuff and chewing tobacco are the two main forms of smokeless tobacco in use in the United States.


Continuous involuntary muscle twitchings that give the appearance of wormlike rippling of muscle. The muscle contractions are involuntary (spontaneous) and brief.


A condition in which one or both testicles fail to move from the abdomen, where they develop before birth, down into the scrotum.


An artificial sweetener which diluted in water is 300-500 times sweeter than the sugar sucrose.


A substance that can prevent the full expression of estrogen.

Vitamin O

Not a true vitamin but rather a pricey health supplement that is composed largely of salt water (plus some germanium, a trace element dangerous to health).


Grinding and gnashing of the teeth. Bruxism is due to clenching of the teeth other than in chewing and is associated with forceful lateral or protrusive jaw movements.


The act of yawning, the involuntary opening of the mouth with respiration, breathing first inward, then outward. Yawning is often caused by suggestion.


Involuntary opening of the mouth with respiration, breathing first inward, then outward. Yawning is often caused by the power of suggestion. Repeated yawning may be a sign of drowsiness.
