Removal and Editing Request

We understand that from time to time information is posted that individuals may wish to permanently remove from the website. 

When possible we would prefer not to remove information because it causes issues with the continuity of the website, affects search engine indexing, as well as causes unnecessary volunteer work.  Also, the process of removing or editing content to remove personal information is labor intensive and requires staff to meticulously review each thread or webpage, as well as sift through backups to ensure the information will not re-appear if a backup is pulled live.

If you are determined to have your account deleted, information deleted from our website, and/or posts or blogs removed or edited, please complete the following form. 

Note: The cost of removal is $35 and can be paid online using the button below:

Information Removal Request Details

This field is required only if you're requesting the removal of information from the forum community.
Removal requests will not be reviewed until payment is received.
This question is to prevent automated spam submissions.