Dr. Vinay Dalal MD

Doctor Specializes In: 
Chronic Pain
Doctor Type: 
Pain Management Specialist
Phone Number: 
Details/Testimonial About the Doctor: 

Dr. Vinay Dalal MD is a Pain Management Specialist that deals with patients out of her office in Fort Worth, TX. She has been practicing medicine since her medical license was received in 2002. Her medical license was issued in the state of Texas.

She specializes in the following discipline(s):

  • Pain Management Specialist
in 1995.

At the time of posting, Dr. Vinay Dalal MD was accepting the following medical insurance at her office in Fort Worth, TX:

  • Aetna
  • United Healthcare

If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Vinay Dalal MD please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page.

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Office Address: 
Texas Health Care Pllc
413 W Rosedale St
Fort Worth, TX 76104
United States


Dr Dalal is without a doubt the best pain management doctor in Ft Worth - maybe in Texas. Her entire staff is pleasant and always very helpful. Dr Dalal listens to her patients. She really listens and she hears what they say. If you are in pain, do not expect her to just hand out pill prescriptions and say pay as you go out. Dr Dalal treats a patient’s whole self. She is well versed in many homeopathic remedies and believes that an unhealthy lifestyle will only exacerbate pain, thus she encourages her patients to help themselves by watching their weight, eating healthy and exercising within the limits of their physical capability. She consistently makes suggestions to her patients to make their day-to-day lives more comfortable. My husband has been going to Dr Dalal for about 10 years. I have only been going for a couple of years. We are very soon moving to another city too far away to continue our visits to Dr Dalal. We are very sad and afraid we will not be able to find someone with the same expertise and empathy towards patients as Dr Dalal. I do not think she can be replaced.


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