Dr. Mary J. Crawford, RN

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Dr. Mary J. Crawford, RN is a Rheumatologist that deals with Fibromyalgia patients out of his office in Wheaton, IL.

This doctor specializes in the following discipline(s):

  • Health Educator
  • Nurse

As of the last update to this profile, Dr. Mary J. Crawford, RN member type was that of: ARHP Health Professional.

If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Mary J. Crawford, RN please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page. Recommendations for changes to this profile can be made through our contact page, or through the comment form below.

Office Address: 
9 Venetian Way Circle
Wheaton, IL 60189
United States




I have had Fibromyalgia for about 25 years. Was 1st diagnosed at Mayo Clinic. The pain, weakness, sleeplessness, emotional changes are only getting worse. Now I can barely walk as I have no fat or muscle on the bottom of my feet. I also have gotten some crazy rash but similar to cystic acne on my Scalp & moving down my face. I have 2 degenerative discs in spine. And my kidney Dr says I For more than five years I have been continuing my treatment for systemic lupus. Now I am taking the tablets MMF (mycophenolate mofetil), HCQS (hydroxychloroquine) 400mg per day, octocalcium 2 tablets at night, Ecosprin and losartan 25 mg.cannot assimilate calcium & Vit D properly; I keep getting kidney Stones. My Neurologist insisted that I had Seizures, which I told him that I did not have. He put me in the Hospital at Rush, insisting on tests. It was 24 hours long, strobe lights & such; trying to cause me to go into a seizure, which I never did. After the tests, he found it strange that I had an epileptic Brain, but no seizures. I said, maybe all Fibro Patients have an Epileptic Brain? He was not satisfied & basically said he could not help me. I have been to Rheumatologists, regular MD's, Holistic MD's, Naturopaths, Chiropractors & even see a psychiatrist to help me with sleep meds.I am always in pain & it has ruined my career, Family life (Husband & kids). My Mom & Sister act as if I am not  ill; if they cannot see it, I.e. No limbs, crutches, wheelchairs, etc. then to them I am not ill. Since Oct 2014, I have been having more severe issues. I now am home bound most of the time. I stopped taking narcotics for pain 20 years ago. Now, I do not know what to do. I cannot see my Grandchildren or Children as I can no longer tolerate changes in air pressure, unless my Dr give me 4 Percocet. 2 for each way as flight has one stop. The pain is unbearable without the meds for any trip. I do not take narcotics except for occasions like that. My last 2 MD's just dropped me, saying I had too many issues. I also have sleep apnea & fall quite regularly at home because of weakness. I heard a new neuro transmitter re-uptake drug was out that takes bone & muscle pain away. Selma or something similar. Please, I need help & am also having problems with short term memory, Disc damage, severe pressure point pain & can barely walk. I have Osteopenia, but main problem with walking is my feet. I had a nerve block done & it did nothing for pain. My thyroid is low & parathyroid is high. After 25 years, I am at my wits end! Is there anything you can do to help me & do you take Medicare with BCBS of IL Supplement for Insurance? I am 61, my husband is 71 & can run circles around me! My husband's Boss is a Pharmacist & said their is a new drug out that can help me, takes away bone & muscle pain...called Salma or something similar. I have it written down somewhere. I also have sever metal toxicity, 5 metals all found in teeth, was tested 3 times by 3 different Dr's. As I cannot afford a Holistic Dentist, I have done nothing to correct the situation. They tell me that I cannot detox unless I get the metal taken out properly first. I also now have Irritable Bowel Syndrome; I have been checked out & they can find no other cause for bowel problems. I have had enough. If we ever can afford to retire, I will just be home bound with no friends. I started losing my friends after making plans & then waking up only to have to cancel because of the pain levels. Eventually I lost all my friends, because of that, or they retired,moved & or have passed on. I am very lonely & my Husband is a quiet man. My cell # is 708-298-2003. Is there anyway you can help me? I have taken many supplements including Malic Acid. I am not getting better, but worse. I have had acupuncture, IFC (like tens), back stretch machine because of disc damage & pain, massage & chiropractic adjustments, vitamins & supplements....nothing seems to help.


Thank you,

Deborah Davidson

(My message says you have reached Holding Out Hope, a non for Profit that I Founded & was Senior Pastor to help Widows, Orphans & the Needy. I have someone else covering my Position for the last 5 years, but that is the correct #).


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