Dr. David S Footerman MD
Dr. David S Footerman MD is a Pain Management Specialist that deals with patients out of his office in Rockford, IL. He has been practicing medicine since his medical license was received in 1991. His medical license was issued in the state of Illinois.
He specializes in the following discipline(s):
- Pain Management Specialist
- Anesthesiologist
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David Footerman, MD
Fri, 07/01/2016 - 15:15
I see a lot of FM patients, but in the last four years I have become much more expert because my eldest child has it.
I have developed a regimen based on nutrigenomic and epigenetic analysis specific to each individual, that is far superior to the current standard of care based on drugs.
I have been able to get some FM patients off opioids completely, which changes their lives dramatically.
I write recommendations for medical marijuana when appropriate. I have been studying the emerging science of endocannabinoids for five years and have no sympathy for the prevailing position of most doctors, which is typically to know nothing about the subject and to be either dismissive or fearful of it, both these approaches being unacceptable. I am very strict about the use of cannabis, not only because of the law, but also because you need the right cannabinoids to get maximum relief, and to derive positive interactions with other selected micronutrients.