Dr. Mirna Barakat, MD
Dr. Mirna Barakat, MD is a Rheumatologist that deals with Fibromyalgia patients out of his office in Jacksonville, FL.
This doctor specializes in the following discipline(s):
- Adult Rheumatology
As of the last update to this profile, Dr. Mirna Barakat, MD member type was that of: ACR Fellow Member.
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Susan Graden
Thu, 09/25/2014 - 08:55
I've had the same Rheumatologist for the past nine years (with him again now). We had a falling out and I booked an appointment with Ms. Barakat, after running several tests (she seemed hell bent to break my physicians diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, CFS and Lupus) she cornered my husband and I upon an appointment following those many expensive tests with hand on hip and abrasively went about telling us that my earlier diagnosis was incorrect and that there wasn't a thing wrong with me and that it was all in my head. I stood and thanked her for her time (tore me up to be so polite while my face felt like it was going to burst into flames) and my husband and I opened the door and walked out. She followed us repeating "There is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU, YOU ARE HEALTHY" and she repeated it quite loudly as she stood in the exit door nearly shouting those words as we unlocked our vehicle and were getting in it. In our opinion this woman is a heathen and we are left to wonder how she is still practicing and furthermore how she has escaped law suits. We would be very open to a day in court with her if it meant sparing another victim, we would feel vindicated should she take a polygraph with the results made public over this one incident and both of us are willing to take the same polygraph and to further encourage this with hopes this incident will be PUBLIC and whatever medical board governs medical practice be made aware of the incident- we would make a legal offer - whoever fails the test pays for the cost of all three of them. This occurred about three or four years ago. My husband and I own the oldest privately owned waste oil company in the State of Florida here in Jacksonville, Florida and have sterling reputations - we are willing to expose ourselves to this if SHE is!