Dr. Kyle Chandler Morgan DO

Doctor Specializes In: 
Chronic Pain
Doctor Type: 
Pain Management Specialist
Phone Number: 
Details/Testimonial About the Doctor: 

Dr. Kyle Chandler Morgan DO is a Pain Management Specialist that deals with patients out of his office in Golden, CO. He has been practicing medicine since his medical license was received in 2011. His medical license was issued in the state of Colorado.

He specializes in the following discipline(s):

  • Pain Management Specialist
  • Physical Medicine/Rehab Specialist

Dr. Kyle Chandler Morgan DO graduated from Baylor College Of Medicine in 2007.

At the time of posting, Dr. Kyle Chandler Morgan DO was accepting the following medical insurance at his office in Golden, CO:

  • United Healthcare
  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield

If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Kyle Chandler Morgan DO please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page.

Recommendations for changes to this profile can be made through our contact page, or by posting a message in the comment form below.

Office Address: 
Star Rehabilitation
2801 Youngfield St, Suite 150
Golden, CO 80401
United States


I've been seeing Dr Morgan for several years.  He tries to get to the root of the pain so he can better treat it.  I have been doing injections for my back,hips and wrists.  My carpal tunnel is so bad at time I can't hold a cup of coffee, I wake up in the middle of the night with hand pain that is so severe I can't concentrate on anything but the pain.  The injections for my wrists helps for about 6 months.  Now my company is changing insurance companies to Humana.  Dr Morgan doesn't take Humana due to non payment of claims on Humana's part.  I can't imagine having  to find a new specialist.  He is absolutely the  best in his field.  I hope there  will be a solution so I can keep him as my doctor..


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