Dr. Xavier J. Caro, MD

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Details/Testimonial About the Doctor: 

Dr. Xavier J. Caro, MD is a Rheumatologist that deals with Fibromyalgia patients out of his office in Northridge, CA.

This doctor specializes in the following discipline(s):

  • Adult Rheumatology

As of the last update to this profile, Dr. Xavier J. Caro, MD member type was that of: ACR Fellow Member.

If you have any reviews, comments or concerns regarding Dr. Xavier J. Caro, MD please add them to the comment form located at the bottom of this page. Recommendations for changes to this profile can be made through our contact page, or through the comment form below.

Office Address: 
18350 Roscoe Blvd
Northridge, CA 91325
United States


Dear Sir, I have fibro and have a strong belief of its direct effect on/with skin. Where I live it is very misunderstood, and the doctors don't want to learn. I would love to be the face of this type of research. I met someone the other day who was in tears that she met someone who could understand what she goes through. I happen to have a very unusual spot on my back that I feel is directly related to fibro. I would love to speak to a researchers to prove this condition. I'm trying to get disability now because I have this debilitating condition. I can text the picture of my back.


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