You have to laugh

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New member
Jun 26, 2015
I woke up the other morning with a new pain in my left lower leg. " great ! " I thought add that to the list.
As I was busy rubbing heat rub into it to try and warm up for work I noticed a bruise.
Then I remembered I had fallen over the night before
I had actually earned this pain. Bizarrely I found that hilarious.
Then last night stabbing pains behind my kneecap had me walking like Monty Python's silly walk
I guess laughing at myself must be a step towards acceptance
I have always tired to use humour with this illness. And the times I have forget I hurt myself to sit and wonder what I did to get a bruise il lost count.
They say laughter is the best medison.
I have to admit that since I joined this forum/ support group, I have felt better emotionally. I am not alone, too sensitive, or a hypochondriac. Now I can laugh about things that I cannot control. And as you said MarqM, "I guess laughing at myself must be a step towards acceptance ".
I walk into door frames/walls on what seems to be a daily basis. Definitely have to laugh.
Me too, Katinatardis! Sometimes I think my family wonders if I can really go sick if I am so cheerful - but what they don't see is the conscious and continuous choice to see the humor. Even the brain fog can be pretty amusing...
The truth shall set you free.
Not them free, you.!
So when we can laugh at ourselves , especially with others we have explained to the personal health issues.
Listen, if I have told my family, this is the deal about fibro, (fill in the rest so as not to bore you) . We/,I have the freedom to laugh, or sigh, or sit down when evryone else is standing.
Really I JUST wondered, IS THAT PRIDE? There's a diffrent between( proud, and pride.)
That's Awsome I'm talking to myself, I'm walking in truth, and truth will set me free.
Remember........awfull, self seeking, miserable people, would love you to jump in their (pool of misery,) and can target those whom may be week!
Omgosh, Something wonderful is happening right now, I'm grabbing on to this one, and will need to write the truth will set you free On my Refrigerator. (When I am week then HE is strong.)
God bless you Moe! God bless us all!
Your post made my's so funny and so true! Yes! Acceptance is a journey. I get these really awesome eye twitches from time to time so sometimes I have to preface a conversation with "I'm not hitting on you...really!" We call it Winky Eye.
Wow! After re-reading the above posts, it occurred to me that I have also had like a tic in my eye several times but quite a while ago; before I ever suspected anything about fibro. I just figured it was bc I was tired. I wonder if that was the first symptom or just a coincidence.
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