You guessed it. Do these symptoms look familiar

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New member
Mar 21, 2020
Hiya folks

You must get sick of reading these threads but id just like to ask a few things and list my symptoms to you and see if they sound familiar.

Basicaly ive always had some kind of intolerances to certain foods like bread and milk etc but a few months ago i started realy bad with the bowels so was given peppermint tablets to soothe the bowels. A few weeks after that i started having trouble with going to the toilet. Kind of like a urine infection which got realy bad. Its calmed down alot but theres still the urgency and slight burning feeling when urinating and about 2 weeks ago i thought id started with flu. Aching in my legs and feet. Pain in the joints of my toes. Aching on the tops of my elbows and just generaly lethargic.

Ive never been a good sleeper and i also suffer with high blood pressure which no medication can control. Like mentioned this started a few weeks ago but for as long as i can remember ive had aching joints in my hands knees and hips. Sometimes its realy bad and others its not to bad. I carnt sit with my legs crossed for longer then say ten mins before i have to straighten up. Im always wheezing and trying to clear my throat. I get short of breathe and always seem to have a blocked nose. The strangest symptom started 3 days ago. I was just sat watching tv and all of a sudden i started to itch all over. I took a antihistamine and it calmed down but when that wore off it came back. Now i seem to have like tingling and burning and itchy spots on my face,mainly around my eyes and mouth but also on my head and arms, Back and legs with no rash or hest spots etc. Does any of this sound familiar or could i be barking up the wrong tree. Thanks for any help and info and i look forward to talking to you all at somepoint
I was diagnosed with "severe" or "extreme fibromyalgia" about 30 years ago and have suffered most of the symptoms you mention at one time or the other, and often many of them much of the time. My doctors describe it to me this way: with FM, your nervous system, ie. your physical nerves not your emotional nervous system suddenly or gradually drifts into chaos probably due to a disruption of the chemicals in your brain and you experience all sorts of nerve symptoms, like the ones you describe. Your body just doesn't seem to be able to adjust to new circumstances like a change in weather or any changes what-so-ever like moving/being still, warmth/cold, awake/sleep, hungry/satisfied, things like that. It affects most bodily functions, and usually causes insomnia or insomnia contributes to the symptoms (chicken and egg deal), increases pain levels, including joint, muscle and bone pain, body-wide itching in my case, low body temperature, inability to stand for more than a couple of minutes (a lifelong problem) as well as digestive problems, sensitivities to certain foods, immune problems, alleries, and a vast list of other possible symptoms too long to mention here. Look on a good FM website for a full list of possible symptoms. The symptoms have gradually increased in number and severity over time and now, at 70 years old I have found cold and/or unpredictable weather to be close to intolerable and literally can put me in bed in agony. I am a lifelong equestrian, trainer, teacher, competitor and judge so have kept myself in very good physical condition, though at a cost of a great amount of resting type pain and a constant state of exhaustion. I have searched everywhere I could think of for help but have found little that works, except moving to a warm and stable climate, which seems to help me a lot. I was pretty sure moving would make a difference as I do improve greatly every Summer only to loose all the progress I made at the first whiff of Autumn. I would encourage you to research fibromyalgia and then look for a good Neurologist who is experienced in treating fibromyalgia as well as a new specialty called a "Functional Medicine Doctor." These two types of docs can help guide you to some therapy and treatment, though I must tell you that so far, there is no cure and little treatment available. Hope this helps some. Sorry I couldn't give more encouraging news but, though things may become much more difficult, with careful medical and naturopathic help, a tolerable life can be led. Just don't plan on being a world traveler or world class athlete any time soon! I can contact you again if you have more questions.
Hiya folks

You must get sick of reading these threads but id just like to ask a few things and list my symptoms to you and see if they sound familiar.

Basicaly ive always had some kind of intolerances to certain foods like bread and milk etc but a few months ago i started realy bad with the bowels so was given peppermint tablets to soothe the bowels. A few weeks after that i started having trouble with going to the toilet. Kind of like a urine infection which got realy bad. Its calmed down alot but theres still the urgency and slight burning feeling when urinating and about 2 weeks ago i thought id started with flu. Aching in my legs and feet. Pain in the joints of my toes. Aching on the tops of my elbows and just generaly lethargic.

Ive never been a good sleeper and i also suffer with high blood pressure which no medication can control. Like mentioned this started a few weeks ago but for as long as i can remember ive had aching joints in my hands knees and hips. Sometimes its realy bad and others its not to bad. I carnt sit with my legs crossed for longer then say ten mins before i have to straighten up. Im always wheezing and trying to clear my throat. I get short of breathe and always seem to have a blocked nose. The strangest symptom started 3 days ago. I was just sat watching tv and all of a sudden i started to itch all over. I took a antihistamine and it calmed down but when that wore off it came back. Now i seem to have like tingling and burning and itchy spots on my face,mainly around my eyes and mouth but also on my head and arms, Back and legs with no rash or hest spots etc. Does any of this sound familiar or could i be barking up the wrong tree. Thanks for any help and info and i look forward to talking to you all at somepoint
I've had most of your symptoms. I have the itching around my eyes, mouth and head. My hands and feet are the worst but I have tingling and burning everywhere. I've had IBS my whole life but with FM flares it gets worse. This is a crazy autoimmune disease and everyone is different and the symptoms are different from day to day. Find a good doctor that will listen to you but unfortunately it's hard to diagnose and treat. Goodluck!
Hiya folks

You must get sick of reading these threads but id just like to ask a few things and list my symptoms to you and see if they sound familiar.

Basicaly ive always had some kind of intolerances to certain foods like bread and milk etc but a few months ago i started realy bad with the bowels so was given peppermint tablets to soothe the bowels. A few weeks after that i started having trouble with going to the toilet. Kind of like a urine infection which got realy bad. Its calmed down alot but theres still the urgency and slight burning feeling when urinating and about 2 weeks ago i thought id started with flu. Aching in my legs and feet. Pain in the joints of my toes. Aching on the tops of my elbows and just generaly lethargic.

Ive never been a good sleeper and i also suffer with high blood pressure which no medication can control. Like mentioned this started a few weeks ago but for as long as i can remember ive had aching joints in my hands knees and hips. Sometimes its realy bad and others its not to bad. I carnt sit with my legs crossed for longer then say ten mins before i have to straighten up. Im always wheezing and trying to clear my throat. I get short of breathe and always seem to have a blocked nose. The strangest symptom started 3 days ago. I was just sat watching tv and all of a sudden i started to itch all over. I took a antihistamine and it calmed down but when that wore off it came back. Now i seem to have like tingling and burning and itchy spots on my face,mainly around my eyes and mouth but also on my head and arms, Back and legs with no rash or hest spots etc. Does any of this sound familiar or could i be barking up the wrong tree. Thanks for any help and info and i look forward to talking to you all at somepoint
I have had most of those symptoms and then some. When some of them started they were merely annoying, some were scary. I have yet to find relief from many yet. I just just take every day as it comes and cope best I can. I work so I think that helps me some, by giving me a reason to push forward and distract from some of it.
Hello Nottzguy1979,

Welcome to the forum. But would you please change the picture you have next to your name. The fact that it says "CUNTS" is extremely offensive. We all try to be polite and not use foul and offensive language here.
Thank you.
Hi guys sorry i havent got back to you sooner and thank you very much for youre answers and indeed the knowledge youve shared. I had my blood works done and all of them came back with no red flags apart from my vitamin d levels been a little bit low but according to the doctor it wasnt low enough to be giving me the symptoms ive told her about. Its a strange one as the medication i was given (amitriptaline) leaves me groggy all day and lacking energy with a very low mood but it does take the pain away some what. I currently work a 40 hour week so thats not good and its a choice between been groggy and more lethargic or been in pain. Ive got to speak to her tommorow and hopefully i could be put on something that stops me feeling as tired but keeps the pain at bay. Again thanks for youre replys its very much apretiated

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