Widespread pain, could this be fibromyalgia?

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New member
Dec 1, 2020
Hi everyone. I'm 35 years old male and I'm suffering from a form of pain very similar to Fibromyalgia.

It doesn't make it worse when I put pressure on it. It started in April/2019 on my upper back and very small areas started tingling.

It became frequent and I started feeling a burning sensation in the area then I started feeling burning(or aching) on my lower neck along with the shooting pain(mild) on my shoulders and arms/hands. That lasted for few months. Then it came back the same year in September but this time it was all around my back and spine and it was very painful. Burning, dull pain, tingling, pins and needles. It lasted 3 months and it was completely gone.

It came back again this year in September (2.5months ago), but this time my buttocks, legs, toes and my back passage and also something new. I get muscle twitching all over my body including my face and eye lids. Recently on the left back side of my head and on my jaw.

My MRI scan and blood test came back clean. I have no issue with sleeping, no fatigue, no abdomen pain, and I don't feeling sick or ill. I'm completely fine other than widespread pain.

I've completed the quiz on this website its also says I have no fibromyalgia.

Could you please tell me if these symptoms are similar to those suffering from fibromyalgia?

For those people reading I wish the best life and health.

Thanks for reading.
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Good morning, in short yes, this could certainly be FM as I suffer from all of your listed symptoms. And more. That said, the intervals which you experience life without any sort of pain and symptoms are puzzling to me so it could be something else rather than fibro?

I started with symptoms of Fibromyalgia fourteen years ago while pregnant with my second child and I can honestly say I haven't had a pain free day since! A friend of mine that I met through a Fibromyalgia group does have pain free days though so it goes to show, no two people are the same with this illness.

It took six long years for me to get a diagnosis in which time Id had virtually every single part of my body scanned, x-rayed, poked, prodded, cameras were put into all of my body openings, I had blood taken every other week. The list is endless. Each time I was told "all clear, its fine" only it wasn't "fine" as I was getting worse day on day!

The diagnosis part is as frustrating as the illness itself.

I wish you well and hope for a diagnosis for you sooner rather than later.

*Keep mentally strong*
Hi Can, I can see why you're looking for help here... sort of the closest you can get at the mo...
Even if it were fibro, just MRI and a few bloods wouldn't be enough to be conclusive, tho.
My bet'd be to get a few neurologists on the tingling, burning, shooting pain, twitching, pins'n'needles, to look how your nerves and muscles are interacting - unless you mean that with "MRI", which alone only shows a part. They'll be finished with you quickly all the same. Perhaps some sort of polyneuropathy.
And at the same time go for some careful "physio", trying a few there, too: osteopathy and/or TCM/acupuncture/acupressure (I prefer the latter), people who are able to "listen" to your body closely and find tiny things and treat them gently. Better no normal exercises.

Of course people with fibromyalgia have this sort of stuff, too, but you probably don't want to wait till it's fully fledged if it is... ;-)

I have quite similar symptoms, also 35 and male. Mines sort of came and went and now main symptoms is nerve pain in arms.

I hope you continue keeping tabs on this post as it would be good to see how we match, as your story seems to ring true with mine.
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