Where is the weirdest place you hurt? What are your strangest symptoms?

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Jul 1, 2020
Hey ya'll
I was lying here with a heating pad on my ribs and thought, I wonder where other people feel pain thats not usual!
So you hear a lot shoulders, neck, back, arms, legs....where are some not so common places you feel pain? Here are mine.

My sternum and ribs feels like someone beat me! The bottom of my feet feel bruised and sometimes I get sharp pains if I step on them wrong. I got horrible pain in my hip joints. Sometimes i get random pain in my bladder. Ovulation is painful, i can actuallu feel my ovary spazzing! Do any of you ever get pain in your organs? I have IBS too and sometimes it feels like my organs are bruised or i get the same burning pain in them that I get in my muscles and spine.

What about weird symptoms you get?
My vision will get really wonky during flares. It blurs and doubles. Lights and reflective surfaces blind me! Patterns, lines and shadows also blur or move and make me dizzy. I get off balance a lot and nearly fall over. I also am very clumsy. I run into things, trip over my own feet, etc. My taste and smell does weird things. Ugh, the list goes on! When i was first being tested my doctors thought i was overreacting because they would ask what was wrong and I would answer everything! I told them every system in my body is effected in some way.
Hmm, not easy, cuz I've had my non-fibro symptoms for so long, and my main fibro-symptoms are all weird to me - Ache, quick exhaustibility despite energy spurts, and needing a lot of sleep, getting to sleep fast, but waking up a lot. Of these I spose the 3 min. energy spurts are what I hear least of from other fibromites... Being male and actually having gotten healthier than ever before in my life are things that make my fibro and its severity surprising, so I don't blame my 1st rheum for dismissing it...
Of my not-directly-fibro symptoms, various symptoms of my food intolerances are strangest: Burning cheeks when eating potatoes, for instance. Or the focal seizures in my speech centre (& arm). Hmm or my dry skin which can be really excruciating without anything visible - unless I take pain meds, then it all blossoms ... O.o
Occasional esophagus blocks is something I've heard from others too, probably a kind of cramp, more common with certain foods, like tomatoes, which I've now stopped eating (apart from in baked beans) because they are - weirdly - a pain in the a...
And pain, or rather ache before peeing, similar to you, which I'm getting down more and more by stretching my torso up and back, pressing legs together, plus palpating (vibrating there with my fingers) my belly/bladder regularly...
Weird symptoms demand weird treatment if you're a strange guy like me ... ;-P
It's all weird to me even after 6 years. I would have to say right side of face. My cheekbone and jaw bone hurts like hell when its in there. Can't even talk when it flares up. The only relief is from hot wash cloths.
It's all weird to me even after 6 years. I would have to say right side of face. My cheekbone and jaw bone hurts like hell when its in there. Can't even talk when it flares up. The only relief is from hot wash cloths.
I get that too but its when Im having sinus problems. Are you having allergies or sinusitis? I put a microwavable heating pad on my face to calm it down.
My neck completely locks up, ribs get tight, and I get to feel like someone's hammered rebar through my joints when I'm in a really bad flare, on top of general muscular and joint pain that ebbs and flows. IBS too - fun stuff, eh?! I get white flashes of pain in my knees, which is not like anything else but the doc couldn't find anything wrong with them. I have a spinal injury, so back pain has a traceable cause for me. I get the feeling that all of my organs are swollen and angry, so I can relate there, and was getting oedema - general swelling and puffiness all over the place - until I added a boswellia supplement to my daily cocktail. Ditto on the light sensitivity, but I'm happy to say I don't get the migraines that so many fibro sufferers seem to battle with. If I get stressed, I get incredibly confused, dizzy, lose words, and have had quite scary memory loss. Stress management made a huge difference to my cognitive symptoms, as did supplements for mitochondrial support. I find it so fascinating that while we all share this weird phantom illness we each experience it so uniquely. It sucks, but it's great that we have each other!
I get that too but its when Im having sinus problems. Are you having allergies or sinusitis? I put a microwavable heating pad on my face to calm it down.
Never had allergies before but now it seems my eyes water alot and runny nose. I do the same, hot pads.
For me it's just the moving symptoms like playing whack-a-mole with different things all the time! Thankfully I have felt pretty good lately and so this tendency has been subsiding.
Every inch of my body hurts at one point or another. My strangest place is my teeth. Sometimes when I wake up and start to chew breakfast my teeth actually hurt. You name it, it hurts. Every inch of my body, most of the time.
The weirdest symptom I am experiencing at the moment is pain in my lower back and hips when I take a deep breath. I never expected to have pain simply from breathing.
The weirdest symptom I am experiencing at the moment is pain in my lower back and hips when I take a deep breath. I never expected to have pain simply from breathing.
Ha. Well, welcome to fibro, where you can get pain of almost any kind from doing or not doing almost anything!
(And this is probably a reason so many people don't believe us).
At least we here all know what it's like and can support each other. :)
What kind of lung and chest pain do you have? In the past I have occasionally had sharp pains in my lungs but recently they have increased and I also have pain in my chest and sternum. I have seen a cardiologist and my heart and lungs are good. Is his just another phantom pain?
My wierd symptoms are in my but muscles, my frontal part of my head, there are so many symtoms I also get to sleep but wake up several times, nausea, off balance, IBS just to name a few. I have energy spurts on somedays and try to do to much when Im cleaning and will be down for the next 2 days all I want to do is sleep, depression anxiety........Iam so happy I found this support group I was at my wits end.
I've got a weird one at the moment. I've had costochondritis-type rib pain on and off for a long time, but this week I'm getting sharp pains at the base of my breast bone - at the xiphoid process, which is the little lump of bone on the bottom of the sternum. That's new 🙄 and annoying! Had anyone else felt that?
hair pain. I feel so crazy, but yes, like...I can feel the hair resting on my arms, and sometimes I can feel the air moving it, and thats insane, cause you cant feel that right? but I do...sometimes I hate feeling.
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