Vitamin D?

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Mar 24, 2014
I've read many articles claiming that vitamin D is supposed to ease (low level ) pain. Unfortunately I can't say it worked for me, although I might not be taking a high enough dosage. For two years now I have been regularly taking vitamins, including vitamin D but if anything the pain has gotten stronger. I would love to hear if vitamin D has helped anyone out there with their pain management.
I wonder what this means for those of us who are vitamin d deficient? I went along with my pcp for 3 years believing that vitamin d deficiency was what was causing my pain and fatigue. No amount of vitamin d prescribed and OTC has improved my symptoms.
I've never heard that Vitamin D can lower your pain. If that is the case then my husband really shouldn't feel any pain at all as he takes vitamin D on a daily basis and he also drinks more milk than anyone that I've ever known.
Thanks elawhon and dorann for your posts. Your experiences seem to be similar to mine then. It sounds like I might as well take tic tacs ;)
Tic tacs hahaha hahaha thank you for the good laugh!
i am vitamin d dificent. i dont take suplements or drink milk. i didnt notice any benifit when i did. i dont feel better in the summer when i can spend more time outside. my aunt with fibro was taking 50,000 units a day (perscribed) i dont know if it helped. been told your body would just pee out that much anyway.
I take a B complex at the moment, this supplements really helps me fall asleep a night, but vitamin D? I have tried it, but to be honest I saw no improvement regarding to pain. I have heard vitamin D is good for your eyes tho, but I don't recommend taking too much of it... they say taking too many vitamins (or vitamins you don't really need) won't benefit you at all and it can even harm you.
My doctor is a Vitamin D fanatic and that's not a bad thing considering how many people are low. My level was off the chart low, which thanks to 5000u a day supplements is now in a more normal range. I think it has made a subtle, but real, improvement. The good thing is they are pretty cheap and it would take a lot to have any adverse effects. There does seem to be some connection between Vit D and pain. One study I saw showed those with low Vit D levels experienced only HALF the pain relieving effects of opioid pain relievers compared to normal. I'd certainly suggest having it tested for any person with fibro.
Just curious if anyone has experienced relief from using a tanning bed. I always feel slightly better.
MrsFish, I myself am not a fan of tanning beds for health reasons. I could imagine that the 'relief' you are describing is some sort of placebo effect. Perhaps you associate the warm feeling with fond memories?
You should always take some vitamin D : it will make you happier and keep your bones strong.
Oh I'm all for the light therapy. I like to use reptile bulbs from Flukers. Reptiles need bulbs that supply light enriched with vitamin D. I just put one of those above my bed. I am a vegan, so don't eat dairy, and I'm not a sun worshipper. So I just looked into the light therapy, and found, via online, that people just purchase the reptile bulbs, and use them as reading lamps, before bed, etc. I don't know if it was in my mind or not, but I do feel better with the lamp. I use a reflector. If you purchase the entire kit, the reflectors are really designed to focus the energy from the bulb (they are designed for that, remember, to keep the reptiles alive). I man, can't hurt to give it a try.
You definitely need to go to a sunny area or take a lot of vitamin D. You'll feel better and have fewer pains!
Well I'm pretty sensitive to heat.. even if it's only a little bit sunny, it can trigger migraines and other problems. I miss the good old times when I could stay out in the sun all day :)
Then, you need to put some lotion on your skin and use a hat. What do you prefer : to feel bad in the sun or to feel depressed and weak in the darkness?
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