took caffine pills today/bad move

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Very helpful member
Sep 13, 2014
To much to do and so little energy. So out of guilt, I drank to many energy drinks. Now Im wide eyed and cant sleep for sure. I stoped amnytriptoline,,,sp. because of dry mouth and other side effects, but, I think I need to go back on it. Grrrr, I hate being dependant on pills. Could be worse, oh well.
Its such a tricky balancing act Moe....need energy need pain relief.... hate pills and side affects! Hope you got some sleep eventually.
i feel your frustration; diamond said it the best; it is one hell of a tricky balancing act.

dont feel guilty about pills, if they help, they do. It took me a long time accept my meds as well. I also hate taking pills, I even hate it when swallowing them (feels like I am taking poison?!?)....but the pills do make it more bearable. So I gave in.

Now I even talk to my meds, thank them, or vent to them. Yes, I might be losing my mind but maybe dealing with fibro (and more) with an insane brain is better than dealing with everything with a sane one....
:) i think we are all on our way to insanity sometimes!
oh boy... my heart just fallen on to the floor by just reading this post headline.

I've done exactly the same before, bad move indeed. :confused: cause there were no energy just my heart shot out of chest and my throat and unable to sleep for 3 days. I was even more tired and in pains more than I've ever been. absolutly defeated the perpose of taking caffeinated stuff.

I'm the type that get all the bad side effects from drugs , I guess my body rejecting it all together.
have you try the melatonin supplements? It didn't work much for me on the first or the first half of the second night of caffeine overdosing but on the beginning of the third day it knocked me out cold. But it could just be that I was done with the hype it self who knows.

I've gone in to the deep end with manythings but caffine I must draw the line comletely. My panic/hyperventilating attack just love it way too much. It made me felt like I'm dying painfully over and over again till the caffine finally disappear from my systems.
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Tipnatee have you found anythings helps your panic/hyperventilating attacks? Do they last long or pass over quite quickly.

I have just spoken to a well qualified naturopath and she is sending me melatonin for sleep and some adrenal support supplements.

I will let you know if anything helps slow my system down from running like im in a marathon when im trying to sleep.
OMG Diamond please do!! I've try everything , the only thing that works right now for me for sleep is oddly the hand ful of brazil nuts to stop me from try to jump out of the bed ( not that I could but it felt like I'm doing it). And as for panic/hyperventilating , I have to shock my self by dumping my body in ice bucket or take an excruciating cold shower to shock my body out of it. :confused: not the most fun things to do during winter. I often tell my bf that one of these days I'm gonna join the Polar bear club.

My panic/hyperventilation problem can last up to half hour or even more if it had a slow start, or it could just be a short 10 minutes if I manage to stop it , in just a few hours it came back over and over. I have keep in mind not to think about it , but it is hard to do cause it felt like I'm stuck hanging on the side of the roller coaster while it running on full speed and swinging or flopping me around hitting stuff on the way. Crying for it to stop just making it worse. Fatigue had become quite understandable when my body finally passed out . :shock: if I could stay passing out I would.
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Hi moe. I've been taking Amitriptyline for a while now and have increased it slowly, I take 40mg every night and it really does make a difference to me sleeping. I used to waken every half hour or so but now that rarely happens. The dry mouth definitely gets better. In the beginning I noticed it really bad and took a bottle of water up to bed in case I needed it through the night but it improved so quickly I only ever had to drink it once through the night. Each time I increased my dose I got the symptoms back but again they were short lived. I hate that I take so many drugs now but they are helping a bit. I hope you find some relief soon.
My Dr told me that caffeine is a trigger. I used to get up and have my cup of coffee and not eat sometimes for hours before I had my first meal. She said that I was setting myself up to fail for the rest of the day. I couldn't give up my coffee, without that one cup I was a zombie. So now I make sure I have my coffee and a little something to eat and I do really notice a difference. I don't get as shaky and I find that it doesn't impact my sleep like it used to. I am very sensitive to caffeine. Hell I feel like I am very sensitive to everything 🙄
Energy drinks are the worst! Great at first but man do they kick you later. The no sleep and restlessness and the pain they bring on....yikes! I imagine caffeine pills would be just about as bad.
But what we wouldn't give to have a full day of energy and not pay dearly for it! Ahhhhh a girl can dream.
thats funny!,,, I hear talking to plants helps them grow. maybe if we talk to our meds we wont have to refill.
thanks lou, yep 100 mg. knocks me out, but then im all drunk like the next day. fuzzy headed plus fibro fog .
Ooh! I'm on Amitriptyline. Not for fibro tho, but I hope it's helping anyway.

In regards to medication the only thing worse than being fibro is bring fibro and bipolar. :D

I take 8 pills a night. 2 in the morning(same medicine tho). That's side effects x 9 lol. I feel you guys.

I'm on Concerta so if I drink a bunch of caffine it feels like I'm having a heart attack so I largely stay away from it.
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