The Uncertainty of the Pain/Fatigue

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New member
Sep 6, 2015
What I hate the most (today) about suffering from fibromyalgia is how I never know what my limit for activity is until I've suddenly reached it. I will be in a "normal" state of sensitivity, aching, stiffness and set about a task- and complete it. I rest for a bit, and I set about another task.

Then somewhere along the way, suddenly the "normal" pain turns lancing. I stop what I'm doing and there's a crushing wave of fatigue and I will start dropping things, forgetting words, misjudging distances, start to cry- it isn't always the same result, except that I have reached my limit.

Sometimes this happens early in the day. Sometimes it never happens at all. It seems almost random. Is this something other people deal with and what do you do when it happens when you are literally in the middle of something and need just 5-10 more to get a task done before you sit down or otherwise pause?
Well for me it depends what I'm doing. If it's something not important,il stop and have a cuppa and a rest . Then I start again.
If it's walking up the school which I have to do I leave early enough that should I need to stop and rest I can.
It takes a long time to find your don't be to hard on yourself.
Today I did something silly, I went in town with out takes get my painkillers,and I had heavy shopping,I could hardly walk I went so stiff.
All I could do was walk a little stop wait. Walk a little more and so on. Till the bus came. Getting on was bliss but once I got to our village I was stiff as a plank I'm in PAIN.
Laurel, you described with great detail and clarity what it's like for me on a daily basis discovering my new limitation. Thank you for sharing. Hang in there, it is very frustrating and the best you can do is acknowledge that you've met your limit and humbly walk away and rest. Depending on the urgency and importance of the goal, I usually walk away most times than not now. Only bc now I know that exceeding my limit comes with exponential pain later.
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