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Mar 21, 2014
North Carolina
I say the journey begins, because I am just starting to understand what is possibly causing the the chronic pain and fatigue I have dealt with for the last 5 years. And what a journey it is with no end in sight... and I understand there is no end until the end.

That sounded really depressing, but really I am usually an upbeat person. Well, at least that is what I portray. That is my first mistake. I have hidden how I really feel from my family, friends, and there is no hiding things anymore, because I can't anymore.

I thought I had an answer 3 years ago when my pcp told me I was anemic and vitamin d deficient. She even told me she didn't know how I was able to put one foot in front of the other. I was sent to a gastroenterologist who put me through a dozen tests for absolutely no reason. Everything come back normal. My doc's thinking was that the anemia must be the result of the stomach problems I had been having since I was pregnant with my second child. She used words like bleeding ulcer, celiacs disease, and even cancer. Granted I was relieved that my tests were normal. I put an end to the testing and moved on with my painful life and exhaustion in silence.

Forward three anemia is controlled by ferrous sulfate and I continue to take large doses of vit d once a week for 12 week stents at a time. My mother passed away this past June and a few weeks after her death, I started waking up each morning feeling as if a train ran over me. It would take me nearly til lunch time to feel almost normal. Thank God I was on summer break from my teaching job. I mentioned my new aches (aches were not new, but not being able to function in the morning was) to my OBGYN (because I already had an appoint for my annual physical). All I knew to tell her was that I felt like maybe my iron and vit d was low again. She offered to do my blood work again to check because these were not due until December. As usual my vit d was low and I was put back on the large dose of vit d. My thoughts were I would be back on the mend soon. In fact, I was about halfway back to normal...whatever that is (I'm not sure anymore) when the headache that would not end started (btw, since October, there has only been a handful of days without a headache). When I went to the pcp she informed me that my blood pressure was up and she would be prescribing some bp meds. I also complained of my avid reflux being awful and that I just was plain tired and hurt all over. She basically told me that I was vit d deficient and was supposed to feel that way and I would feel better with the large dose of vit d in just a few weeks. This time, not only did I not get better, I have gradually gotten worse.

Thanks to some really wonderful friends, I was encouraged to go to a new doc that was highly recommended. I had my first visit with him this past week and within five minutes of going over my medical history, he asked me if my doctor had ever mentioned the word fibromyalgia. He said that he was almost 100% sure, but he would have to rule out some other things first. He actually talked to me about what blood work he wanted to order and explained what each was for. I went the very next day to get that done, and I have my next appointment on April 2.

Since the word fibromyalgia was given as a possible answer to my pain and fatigue related issues, I have done a lot of research and also found this forum. I have actually seen that I could also connect the dots over many other issues I have (acid reflux, constipation, anxiety, dry eyes, hypoglycemia, and trouble staying focused/trouble word calling to just name a few). I don't want anything to be wrong with me, but I was beginning to feel like I was going crazy not getting anywhere with vit d deficiency being the answer for the past 3 years.

I have already made my hello into this site way too long, but I am comforted to know that others understand what I may be going through when those around me don't. I look forward to hearing from you folks out there. Any kind advice is welcome.

Kind Regards,
Welcome to the forum. What a long journey you have had, but at least now you havie a doctor who cares and hopefully will offer support and work with you in trying medications to reduce your pain. I am glad you found this site and now can read and ask questions, that will help you gain knowledge in caring for yourself.

This forum tries hard to provide answers to questions, by telling what we have tried and what worked and what did not work for us, that way you are aware of different medications and side effects and can make better choices concerning your own health. Fibro is a hard disease to live with because lots of people do not believe in it because nothing shows up on normal testing to prove it. It is hard for families and husbands or wifes, to believe or have patience with the family member affected.

But by reading the different posts in the different sections throughout the forum you will find a great many new coping skills and lots of hints and ideas, that can make life less stressful and painful. Hope to see more of your posts around the forum. :)
Thanks 1sweed for your kind remarks. I am already finding the site to be helpful in many ways. I am finding that others have similar symptoms and family issues as myself. I am anxious about my upcoming appointment and hopefully will be getting some kind of diagnosis. I am really worried about my blood work. My insides have hurt so bad this week, it makes me feel that something is way wrong. But I have had spells like this before over the last five years and I am hopeful that nothing life threatening is wrong. Even though life often stinks right now, I still have so much to live for. The stress of waiting is making my symptoms worse and I have learned so much more over the last 5 months of how this all works with me. I look forward to you all who also suffer helping me in this journey.
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