Thank you ❤️

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New member
Jun 21, 2023
I have only found this forum tonight. I just want to say “Thank you” 💕
I have had Fibromyalgia diagnosed for about 18 months now. Initially I felt shocked at how many things that I couldn’t explain emotionally how I felt, we’re impacted, not Just the widespread pain and fatigue, Fybro fog, aversion to noise etc. I’m working Full time and for the most part my family and colleagues are supportive. I Just have felt so frustrated by people’s expectations of me! People judging if I am having a good or bad day without actually asking me 🤣 it’s ludicrous ; but then the absolute clincher is when they follow it up by saying “ they get it” “ they understand what your going through”.
It can feel so frustrating and Lonely at times, but actually reading other people experience with such honesty has been refreshing, seeing comments from other sufferers who do actually get it …… wow Just Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ this forum may save what is left of my sanity !!!
Hi Loulou, and welcome. We are glad you're here and I hope the forum will continue to be a help to you.
Hello loulou 🥂 🥞, I waited years till I was diagnosed (that's only cos I had a horrible reaction from the dr in the hospital) I waited years after to bring it up to another dr again, people do give different reactions and judgements about fibro (but it says more about them than us) it probably doesn't help that we "seem" ok one day then practically unmovable another, I've got cfs with mine too "annoying" nevermind we all got the same thing so we can moan and empathise 😊
Thank you for taking the time to reply 💕 your support has started my day with a smile 😊
I’m working Full time and for the most part my family and colleagues are supportive. I Just have felt so frustrated by people’s expectations of me! People judging if I am having a good or bad day without actually asking me 🤣 it’s ludicrous ; but then the absolute clincher is when they follow it up by saying “ they get it” “ they understand what your going through”.
I do get what you mean ;-) - but I spose it is very hard for others to understand what we don't understand ourselves. People don't want to underestimate us either, but it's important for them to learn, in time, by things going wrong, to estimate fairly correctly. Actually my wife is better at judging whether I have a good or a bad day, or hour I should say, however she usually errs on the side of caution, which is understandable, sensible, and also helpful, because I've notoriously err on the side of overdoing things most of my life. Think I've got it now, but she's been a help for that.
Luckily I can't remember anyone who's said "they get it" to me, I can imagine it would make me wry. But if they did I would take is a form of showing empathy, not as truth. I'm sure they won't know what we're going thru. But that makes it understandable for them to say it. All the same, I think I'd make a comment so they don't do it again.
I've found people learn, even acquaintances. Just like we do. Ain't easy for anyone, us and them.
started my day with a smile 😊
Good way to start the day!
Yeah your right, Thank you, that is a much better prospective to look at it from 💕
started my day with a smile 😊
Good way to start the day!

Half a quote gets you half a trophy :-), Auriel, half a sweet and half a piece of chocolate. Quoting you has now fully bungled this up.. :ROFLMAO: .. and confused everything 🤯, gotta lie down... :D - not true, I've got some energy today! Early sun is paying off!
Luckily I can't remember anyone who's said "they get it" to me, I can imagine it would make me wry. But if they did I would take is a form of showing empathy, not as truth. I'm sure they won't know what we're going thru. But that makes it understandable for them to say it. All the same, I think I'd make a comment so they don't do it again.
If a person has not experienced it, they don't know. For someone to try to get it is kind, and appreciated. But I know it's not truly understandable by someone who is healthy and has no such issues.
I was quoting (or trying to) quote loulou"s message jaycs , but I bungled it up (I was gonna repost it but you caught me haha) I'll take half a trophy (then I'll make sure I quote properly next time for the other half 👍🏻
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